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New Charlie Beckworth, George Bent, Jim Bridger are alive
and the head of the new mountain men, American Pathans if this report is true.
[link|http://news.com.au/common/story_page/0,4057,3139479%255E2,00.html|Plug a Plew]
For the downloading impaired (Kimself:))
THREE CIA officers reportedly trapped behind enemy lines in
Afghanistan were being hunted by the Taliban last night.

The trio, described by the brutal regime as intelligence agents, were
said to have escaped the dramatic shoot-out which led to the
capture and execution of veteran Mujahideen commander Abdul Haq.

Last night unconfirmed reports claimed the three were still on the run,
possibly hiding in the mountains in a remote desert region.

Taliban sources said they had vowed to hunt down and kill the
agents, and that it was only a matter of time before they were
Hmm need to make these guys an offer if they make it out

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tshirt front "born to die before I get old"
thshirt back "fscked another one didnja?"
New Re: Lets hope these guys make it out ok

we need some heros & they will have some stories to tell. Haq may have been naive - who knows ?

But I sure hope the nasties of the Talibs don't get them. That would be a story I for one don't want to hear.

Here's praying ...

     Charlie Beckworth, George Bent, Jim Bridger are alive - (boxley) - (1)
         Re: Lets hope these guys make it out ok - (dmarker2)

30 ms