Post #155,288
5/15/04 4:29:23 AM
5/15/04 7:20:55 PM

Here is a 'what if' scenario ...
I have a collection of books called 'what if ...' they contain many stories written by well established historians & journalists as to what if something happened differently in some event, esp ones that changed history in some way ... The What ifs start with known facts and the author then paints an alternative based on reasonable probabilities or possibilities (fantasy is not a part of a 'what if' scenario, the what if has to be entirely plausible)
The facts at hand ... =====================
1) US is embroiled in a prisoner scandal that starts to tear the US community apart and generates massive problems for the president and his secretary of defense right at a time US is experiencing its worst insurgency in Iraq. These problems extend into US relations with other countries and are also a threat to the re-election of Republicans and other leaders of the US led Iraq 'coalition'
2) That Rumsfeld meant it when he said that the US mission in Iraq could fail (assuming he meant because of growing hostility to US troops there & a potential country wide rebellion)
3) That someone with a Jewish background and said to be a communications specialist goes to Iraq 'to seek his fortune'
4) Assuming that there is substance in reports that this same Berg had some association with Zacarias Moussaoui and thus directly or indirectly with the 9/11 hijackers for some as yet not known reason.
The what if scenario is as follows .. =====================================
What if Berg was working for either Mossad or some other clandestine agency and what if the reports indeed are true, that Berg had some association (spying on him, friend of his, etc:) with Moussaoui. Such an association between a prime participant of a world history shaping event like 9/11 & the person reported beheaded in another history shaping event such as the Berg beheading, has odds that defy belief.
What if, Berg was on some kind of 'operation' in Iraq but had his cover blown when arrested in mosul by suspicious Iraqi police (note Berg was supposed to be in US custody right at the start of the brewing prisoner scandal, not in the middle of it). He then went missing over a month ago after returning to Bhagdad from Mosul.
What if someone planned that if a 'victim' (it would have to be someone with an identity that could appear to be verified (such as Berg's 'family' in the US) but who had no widely traceable ties such as being well known in a small community or having a traceable military background. What if the plan was to go thru the charade of a beheading without anyone having to commit murder to do it (it would have to be convincing enough to satisfy both Arab and western observers).
The goal of the deed being to 1 1) deflate the attack on the US presidency and in one-fell swoop, to deflate the furore over treatment of Iraqi prisoners as well as to justify why other material & investigations subsequently get buried, esp the ongoing investigation into the 23 deaths in custody that are being looked into.
2) To take the heat out of arab hostility that was threatening to trigger a mass uprising in Iraq that in turn could have spun out of control. Arabs hearing of the Berg beheading are quoted as saying how pleased they were that a US citizen got killed (as we saw on our local news).
The actual video of the beheading is of very poor quality and right at the point that Berg was supposedly killed the camera waves all over the place such that it is quite impossible to say the he was seen being actually killed (very very poor planning if indeed the intention was to do this deed just to be videoed). The body on the floor at the point of decapitation could have been anyone including a cadaver made up to look the part, there are plenty of them in Iraq at the moment). The perps were so well disguised that they could have been anyone (except perhaps members of the Mickey Mouse club). The noise was drowned out by shouts of Allah Akubar & thus very confused.
If the beheading was staged, it was done well enough to have achieved its goals. It appears to be readily available on the Internet for all to see.
Whatever any variation of the above 'what if' scenario might be and whatever the truth turns out to be, the above 'what if' is not totally implausible. If the beheading was real then it was a godsend for Bush & my how they turn up just when he always needs them.
The impact of the act was dramatic and appears to have taken the sting out of the Iraqi rebellion as well as the people rebellion in the US. A catastophe for the US may have been avoided. The republicans are all but back in control and dissent has again been brought under control.
Doug Marker
PS I would not have entertained the above 'what if' story here had I not read about Berg being Jewish and Berg having had some direct or indirect association with the one supposed hijacker that survived 9/11 (Moussaoui was to be lead pilot of the 4th plane). The odds of the connection between Berg & Moussaoui having a common 'friend' who used Bergs email & notebook seems to me to be beyond belief. Taken further the 'what if' scenarios regarding just who & what Moussaoui is/was or how he got nabbed provide a whole lot more 'what if' speculation. Was Berg there in Oklahoma tracking Moussaoui knowing he was part of a plot to do harm in the US.

Edited by dmarker
May 15, 2004, 04:32:07 AM EDT

Edited by dmarker
May 15, 2004, 07:20:55 PM EDT
Post #155,292
5/15/04 6:58:31 AM

Doesn't appear to be much substance in the "links"
It's a small world, but Berg's "links" to Moussaoui seem to be coincidental, not substantive. [link||Washington Post]: [Ashcroft said:] "The suggestion that Mr. Berg was in some way involved in terrorist activity . . . is a suggestion that we do not have any ability to support and we do not believe is a valid one."
Moussaoui and an acquaintance used an e-mail address or other computer identification traced to Berg, Justice Department officials said. The FBI concluded that Berg had been one of numerous victims of scam artists who were stealing e-mail addresses and passwords at the main campus of the University of Oklahoma, where Berg had been a student, several officials said.
Berg, 26, never met Moussaoui, who attended the school later, officials said.
Ashcroft said the theft of Berg's e-mail address was unremarkable. "It is not uncommon for individuals from time to time to allow . . . computer use by other individuals in university settings," Ashcroft said.
Iraqi police arrested Berg in the northern city of Mosul on March 24. Maj. Gen. Mohammed Barhawi, the police chief in Mosul, said Thursday that Berg aroused suspicion because he was not carrying identification, according to National Public Radio. Two associates of Berg said this week, however, that he told them he had been carrying his U.S. passport and that police became suspicious because the passport contained an Israeli stamp.
Barhawi said the FBI asked the police to keep Berg in custody while its agents reviewed the case.
FBI agents questioned Berg on March 25 and 26 and a third time about a week later. He later told a friend that he was asked about terrorism.
FBI officials said Friday that the timing of the March interviews was a coincidence and did not affect the length of Berg's stay in Iraqi custody. It remains unclear why he was held for 13 days.
On April 5, Berg's parents filed a petition in U.S. District Court in Philadelphia, asserting that the U.S. military was illegally detaining their son. They contended that his detention prevented him from returning to the United States on March 30, as he had planned.
Berg was freed April 6 and returned to Baghdad that day. He vanished April 10 after leaving his hotel. His body was found Saturday, and a video depicting his slaying was posted on the Internet on Tuesday. He was buried Friday in a family plot in Jenkintown, Pa., near Philadelphia.
The Internet video attributed Berg's killing to Abu Musab Zarqawi, a Jordanian who U.S. officials believe is linked to al Qaeda. CIA officials said Thursday that they had performed a technical analysis of the video and concluded "with high probability" that the speaker on the video was Zarqawi, and that Zarqawi was the person shown decapitating Berg. I don't think there was anything nefarious about Berg or his actions. But that's just my impression - I have no first-hand knowledge. I don't understand the FBI's actions, nor the apparent inconsistency in the statements from the Iraqis and them, but I expect that will become clearer in the near future. Also, many people believe that Moussaoui was not the "20th hijacker", but rather it was Mohamed al-Qahtani, who was denied entry to the US by [link||Jose Melendez-Perez]. It'll be interesting to see how this affects Moussaoui's prosecution. Cheers, Scott.
Post #155,316
5/15/04 1:33:27 PM

Tin hat scenarios
The most popular conspiracy theory for the Berg video seems to be that it was staged by the CIA.
The theory goes like this, Berg is picked up by Iraqi police and handed over the US military. The US military hands him over to the CIA, who then intentionally or accidently kill him during interrogation at some point.
They have not disposed of the body when the prisoner abuse scandel hits and the CIA decides to deflect some anger by staging his killing by Islamic fanatics.
There are a lot of variations on this one though. There are too many odd bits about it but no obvious pattern. Some say he might have been CIA, killed in action in Iraq and then the CIA decides to use his recovered body to deflect complaints.
Post #155,336
5/15/04 8:44:56 PM

The incident seems to have provoked a lot
of questioning. I hadn't seen anything more that the quoted press release but after you mentioning circulating theories I googled the topic.
I found one site with a lot of varying comments but in one, someone seems to have analysed the timer to produce a confused sequence of the event (see bottom)
EXTRACT >>>>> "I don't really want to harp on this incident, but I have been studying this video because it is not as `horrific' as some have suggested. In fact it has a Hollywood feel to it. I have seen quite a few people killed, and the video struck me as being phony from the start. Only now has it become apparent to me why it seems so phony. There was obviously several `takes' of the event. The entire video is a series of disjointed actions, spliced and cut in an editing process that seeks to present it as a smooth capture in one take. But the military cameraman forgot about the video timer display, which co- incidentally is in military time.
The total running time of the video is five minutes thirty nine seconds less eleven seconds of banner introductions. Nick Berg begins his bio at 13:26:24 according to the video timer. It suddenly becomes 2:16:34 during the first sentence: "..Nick Berg, my fathers name is Michael, (time change 2:16:34) my mothers name is Susan\ufffd\ufffd.". His segment ends at 2:18:42. At 2:40:32 (presumably approx. 22 minutes later) the Arabic speech begins and ends at 2:44:39 with him pulling out a butchers knife from his breast and grabbing Berg by the hair in a sideways motion and downwards. He stabs him at 2:44:12 (25 seconds earlier; please explain?). The timer shows that the speech was fourminutes seven seconds long, although the actual running time of the speech on the video is four minutes 15 seconds long. After the `killer' (I put `killer' is inverted commas the facts are not clear here) grabs Berg by the hair he presumably (because the picture suddenly gets fuzzy) cuts at his throat. The picture clarifies some eleven hours later or 13 hours prior (who the hell is to know?) at 13:45:46 with the killer laboriously sawing through Berg's neck. The segment ends some fifty-four seconds later at 13:47:52 (two minutes six seconds later) which suddenly becomes 2:46:18 with a different `killer' holding up the severed head.
I have thought long and hard about this discrepency in the times, and can only conclude that either:
Two cameras were involved in the recording of the beheading and the combined result edited for a `smooth' depiction of the atrocity, but the camera angle remains unchanged during the time changes.
The event was stage managed with many `takes' and practiceruns. It would also explain the `turning of two pages of double sided notes seven times'.
Is there somebody out there that is familiar with the type of video camera used, and who perhaps has professional experience in this regard?"
I can add that I do not trust racists, religion regardless. Bush is a "born-again" Christian and he killed a lot of people - more than Bin Laden, at least. Sharon ("my" primer) is a mass murderer, and he is not a Muslim (he is secular, but religious settlers are his true masters) <<<<<
Post #155,340
5/15/04 9:27:47 PM
5/15/04 9:31:01 PM

There's a K5 story on it.
[link||Nick Berg's Killing: 50 Fishy Circumstances, Flawed Timeline Events, and Videotape Anomalies]. It's in the edit queue at the moment - you'll need an account to see it there. Once it's out of edit and moderation, you will be able to read it without being logged in (assuming it makes it out of the queue).
I haven't looked at the story - it's just a FYI.
[edit - the story's in the edit queue at the moment.]
Cheers, Scott.
Post #155,368
5/16/04 2:13:44 AM

It's gone to voting.
You should all have K5 accounts by now!
Second best website in the universe!
I'm not biased, oh no, not me.
Peter [link||Shill For Hire] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Blog]
Post #155,369
5/16/04 2:50:07 AM
5/16/04 4:28:47 AM

Sounds very democratic
I have a K5 account & went looking but am not sure where to look. I found several items on the Berg video that were very close in theme to the points covered.
I have no real notion as to if the video was real or staged, it just struck me as having glaring inconsistencies & I now see that many other people picked up on the same plus a lot more aspects.
Doug M
#2 - Just discovered I don't have an account (I thought I was logging in but it now seems not. To complicate matters they say that due to recent abuse they have stopped accepting new members. I guess I will have to wait this one out.

Edited by dmarker
May 16, 2004, 04:28:47 AM EDT
Post #155,371
5/16/04 4:35:32 AM

The new account thing is in hand
Basically I send a weekly (or so) email to rusty saying "open the account signups already".
There's a discussion taking place amongst the staff about how to approach this. We've had some problems.
Peter [link||Shill For Hire] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Blog]
Post #155,372
5/16/04 5:52:50 AM

What does 'gone to voting' mean
is this a place where members 1st debate then vote on submitted material which when approved goes up for public viewing ?
Tks - Doug
Post #155,373
5/16/04 6:53:15 AM

That's about the size of it.
Peter [link||Shill For Hire] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Blog]
Post #155,435
5/17/04 1:46:56 AM

The voting obviously over - story now readable
For me, it seems that my little list of discrepancies is tiny.
Some additional material K5 item brings up ...
Seeing Berg in an orange jumpsuit seemed odd but I missed the point that it was standard US prison issue & WTF was Berg as a captive of al-Qaeda militants, doing in it.
K5 item seems to accept without doubt that Berg is dead (I had not concluded that other than to wonder how his body was identified - no head, perhaps fingerprints - maybe they had them on file from his earlier US incarceration). Implication from K5 being that perhaps he died in US custody while being being 'interrogated' at Abu Ghaib prison & that the video was a way of covering this up whilst taking heat of the administration ?
K5 also mention the matter of the chair. I am now inclined to wonder about this coincidence (same model & colour as the one appearing in other Abu Ghaib photos ??? - sure al-Qaeda terorists might shop at the same supermarket in Bhagdad WTF ???).
Thanks for pointing me to the article. It doesn't end the issue, just reinforces the need to question the stuff we get dished up.
Doug Marker
PS in today's news I see that Colin Powell is asking why more Arabs haven't reacted to the murder of Berg ----- poor man (Powell that is).
Post #155,472
5/17/04 12:42:59 PM

Re: Here is a 'what if' scenario ...
Similar to the scenario that the True Believer neocons who control Duh's strings were aware of the fact that "something was brewing" with a ME terrorist organization, and were perfectly happy to let it happen to "justify" their previously planned and approved attack on Iraq. (The only problem was the magnitude of the attack; they puppetters were simply not aware of the "effective yield" of such an attack.)
I'm not sure either scenario is improbable...or provable.
jb4 shrub\ufffdbish (Am., from shrub + rubbish, after the derisive name for America's 43 president; 2003) n. 1. a form of nonsensical political doubletalk wherein the speaker attempts to defend the indefensible by lying, obfuscation, or otherwise misstating the facts; GIBBERISH. 2. any of a collection of utterances from America's putative 43rd president. cf. BULLSHIT