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New 055 Brigade
Message to Bill. This is the first link I found in Google, there are many more if desired.
P.S. yeterday I was reading a micropedia on World History (Dempsey-Parr 1999) and ran across a passage on Islam : "fundementalist Muslems in particlular regard Christians as an evil to be expunged". "Since the 1970's terrorism has been widespread in many countries, and has become a characteristic of modern religious conflict".

Terrorism is a characteristic of modern religion?! People committing crimes against humanity view Christians as evil? Maybe they ought to look in a mirror?

Afghanistan: Heart of Darkness]
These articles were originally published in The Far Eastern Economic Review, Aug. 5, 1999. They are reprinted here with permission.

As the Taliban launch a new offensive against opposition forces, the threat which this Islamic regime poses to regional stability has gone unnoticed. Terrorists fighting the governments of virtually every Central Asian power find shelter with the Taliban. An equally dangerous by-product is the criminal economy supported by the Taliban, which spreads weapons and drugs throughout the region.

By Ahmed Rashid in Kabul and Faizabad.

Soviet-made tanks and armoured personnel carriers spew clouds of black diesel fumes as they lumber up the potholed road north from Kabul. The Taliban are on the move, preparing for what they hope will be a final drive to bring the last 20% of Afghanistan under their control.

Travelling with them in convoys of Toyota pick-up trucks are about 400 Arab Islamic militants from a dozen Middle East and African countries. These are the fighters of the 055 Brigade, funded by alleged Saudi terrorist Osama bin Laden. When a reporter heads down the road in hopes of catching up with the Arabs, it is Pakistani militants at a checkpoint who block his way, waving their Kalashnikovs persuasively.
New Yes I knew that but the article doesnt support
your position that this brigade international is the Talibans SS. They are just another set of squirrels in the tree.
tshirt front "born to die before I get old"
thshirt back "fscked another one didnja?"
New You'll have to reach your own conclusions on that.
From my vantage point, there are more similarities than contrasts.
You seem to think the SS was far superior to the 055 brigade but yet their goals and methods are sickenly similar. History always repeats itself, does it not? Did someone say Deja'vu again?
     055 Brigade - (brettj) - (2)
         Yes I knew that but the article doesnt support - (boxley) - (1)
             You'll have to reach your own conclusions on that. - (brettj)

And that's not all!
29 ms