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New Let's Make a Deal
In the paragraphs below, I do not mean to imply you think we should be making a deal with Al Qaeda, only asking you to play devil's advocate of what such a negotiation might look like. So you are the State Dept. here.

If you could get down to the bargaining table with bin Laden and Al Qaeda, what are the terms of the bargain you are willing to strike?

I'll give you bin Laden's opening position: I want you (the U.S.) to completely end support for the Royal Assholes in Saudi-Land. I also want you to completely end support for the State of Israel and to stand back if we decide to destroy it. I want you to completely withdraw from the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula. And I want you to remove any support of Egypt and Pakistan and remove any troops and all other support in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan and end any agreements you have with those countries. Also, do not even think about supporting India in Kashmir.

In addition, I want you to stop sending you TV signals to Muslim youth corrupting their values. I want your multinational companies out of Muslim lands. I want your Christian missionaries out of Muslim lands. In short, I want all your influence in Muslim lands closed down.

Accept this, and we shall have peace in our times. Whaddya say?

Gerard Allwein
Expand Edited by gtall Oct. 28, 2001, 10:35:59 AM EST
New Re: You went to school with OBL ???

How else could you know him so well ( V G Grin)

A good assesment


New Re: You went to school with OBL ???
I...umm...have this psychic connection with His Grand OverblownNess. We channel on Fridays when the moon is right through our beards. Hillary is said to be jealous now that Eleanor isn't speaking to her.
Gerard Allwein
New Gurlz.. you forgot Gurlz!
Correcting the minor provisions you must agree to for peace in our time (if you weren't such insufferable nit-picky, gleeful* persecutors of bearded Prophets):

* that's Another one - too much Happiness, Singing! even - with you #&^*@ psalm-singing smiling-faced despicable unsolemn bastards.

Article G (Gurlz) amended:

No more cheerleading in public, especially in those skimpy costumes, known to inflame the disgustingly sexual passions of your degenerated males (We *know* Our degenerated males: and treat our concupiscent disposable properly-wrapped females accordingly).

1A) No underwear ads in your trashy, suggestive leering magazines which expose all that expanse of erotic, sensual umm attractive *flesh* .. as if to suggest to the led by er nose.. lascivious reader:

hmm, what do you suppose is Under that 4 mg/in\ufffd filmy, flimsy translucent suggestive fabric? Shown in daylight!

2A) No more speaking without being spoken to, leaving the house without a male protector, seeing randy doctors of either sex who might want you to Take Off those filmy, inciteful unmentionables - Unless! aforementioned perusers are merely Allah-minded Believers, seeking evidence of The Mark of the Debbil along, within and around those - hideously warm disgusting locations. (Then it's OK; invite your anointed male friends to make sure that *nothing* is overlooked)

We shall have further additions to \ufffd G. for distribution at the Peace Instructions Meeting at the designated cave.

Mullahs for Moderation
New Playing Mr. State Dept.
Ashton, I'll take State Dept's side in this one:

Nonsense, we have nothing against beards unless they are connected to Castro.

* that's Another one - too much Happiness, Singing! even - with you #&^*@ psalm-singing smiling-faced despicable unsolemn bastards.

Sorry, we're talking about your lands here, we don't care if you swing from the chandeliers naked, just as long as we don't have to see it. If we want have a ho-down (know what I mean? Hehehehehe), that's our business, stop peeping.

No more cheerleading in public, especially in those skimpy costumes, known to inflame the disgustingly sexual passions of your degenerated males (We *know* Our degenerated males: and treat our concupiscent disposable properly-wrapped females accordingly).

Again, it's our business what we do with our cheerleaders, what you do with your cheerleaders, we do NOT, let me repeat that, we do NOT want to know...and, Praise Allah, please don't let us see.

1A) No underwear ads in your trashy, suggestive leering magazines which expose all that expanse of erotic, sensual umm attractive *flesh* .. as if to suggest to the led by er nose..lascivious reader:

Again, what we do on our side of the cultural divide is our business. You only have to be concerned about what your young men are wearing, watching, etc. By the way, how do you know about all this expanse of flesh?

2A) No more speaking without being spoken to, leaving the house without a male protector, seeing randy doctors of either sex who might want you to Take Off those filmy, inciteful unmentionables - Unless! aforementioned perusers are merely Allah-minded Believers, seeking evidence of The Mark of the Debbil along, within and around those - hideously warm disgusting locations. (Then it's OK; invite your anointed male friends to make sure that *nothing* is overlooked)

Yer not getting this son, treat your women as you wish. We will treat ours in whatever way we deem appropriate, and Allah be Praised, please don't tell them that, we have to live with'em.
Gerard Allwein
New Re: ...how do you know about all this expanse of flesh?
Let me guess. Ashton is into watching those belly dancers.

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. -- Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
New wrong verb :)
tshirt front "born to die before I get old"
thshirt back "fscked another one didnja?"
New No. Beards are Un-American.*
Lenin had a "beard". Marx had a "beard". As you point out, Castro has a "beard".

OTOH, Gabby Hayes had "whiskers".


*Paraphrased from a very old bit by George Carlin.
New Deal
"Thank you for your offer. My counter offer: an anthrax aerosol (pffffffffft). Enjoy."

     Civilian casualties - (bluke) - (18)
         Let's Make a Deal - (gtall) - (8)
             Re: You went to school with OBL ??? - (dmarker2) - (1)
                 Re: You went to school with OBL ??? - (gtall)
             Gurlz.. you forgot Gurlz! - (Ashton) - (4)
                 Playing Mr. State Dept. - (gtall) - (3)
                     Re: ...how do you know about all this expanse of flesh? - (a6l6e6x) - (1)
                         wrong verb :) -NT - (boxley)
                     No. Beards are Un-American.* - (mmoffitt)
             Deal - (Andrew Grygus)
         Taliban & PA - (kmself) - (8)
             Actually it is very similar - (bluke)
             PA is willing and credible? - (bluke) - (6)
                 need to plant more Gharqad trees -NT - (boxley) - (2)
                     What is a Gharqad tree? -NT - (bluke) - (1)
                         You dont read your own links? :) - (boxley)
                 Homework assignment - (kmself) - (2)
                     Trouble seems to be - (Ashton)
                     No comparison - (bluke)

LRPD that. Now.
94 ms