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New when you see the scsi bios flash press alt A
that should pop a menu (or is it alt shift A the flash will tell you.) get back if there is a menu and whats on it. The older Bios intercepted Interupt 14 hdd controller interup and redirect to the card.
Time for Lord Stanley to get a Tan
questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]
New Re: when you see the scsi bios flash press alt A
Tried that,
Enabled the BIOS, set things to send 'start'

Confirmed that it sees the drive - but still will not boot.

It looks like the motherboard BIOS is too old for the application [will not take 16383 cyl hard drive]

Time to raid a friend's junk pile for a not quite so old ATX box [and put the SCSI disks [all 5 gig worth] back into this one]
New partition into 1024 cylenders, put a dos partition on it
use a floppy with fdisk, partition into 1024 cylendors and it should boot.
Time for Lord Stanley to get a Tan
questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]
New The booting device sequence is in BIOS menu.
Have you looked at the options there?

You should be able to see what key to press to enter the BIOS menu while the memory tests are runnung. On my machines (with Asus mobos) it is the Delete key.

There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't.
New Ancient Hardware
Well it seems the old Adaptec SCSI controller's BIOS will not allow booting from a CDROM. The Motherboard BIOS was designed back when 212 meg was a *huge* disk drive.

I've obtained a 'less obsolete' ATX formfactor box [don't know the CPU, but its likely much faster than the P133 in the other box]

Now all I need to do is scrounge some RAM [probably retail] then I should have a working x86 box - this one should boot from CDrom, sidestepping the original difficulty in generating a boot floppy from a .img file on a Mac
     Create boot floppy on a Mac??? - (dlevitt) - (8)
         what kind of adapter? - (boxley) - (6)
             Re: what kind of adapter? - (dlevitt) - (5)
                 when you see the scsi bios flash press alt A - (boxley) - (4)
                     Re: when you see the scsi bios flash press alt A - (dlevitt) - (3)
                         partition into 1024 cylenders, put a dos partition on it - (boxley)
                         The booting device sequence is in BIOS menu. - (a6l6e6x) - (1)
                             Ancient Hardware - (dlevitt)
         Making boot floppy on a PC. - (a6l6e6x)

is there more coffee... can I have another cup... you wanna cup I can make some more... I have alot... I mean I have this pot here... but its almost gone and its been sitting there for 10 minutes anyway... I should make more... did I ask if you needed coffee??? do you??? need coffee I mean...
335 ms