But God is ever on Our Side, in each one (each side too!). Armies have Chaplains. The businessmen left behind, unfortunately unable to er serve - get those lumps in throats as the martyrs return inert. (We just don't *call* them Martyrs, but treat the bodies identically.
Our propaganda == Islam's propaganda.)

[link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=15301|Don Richards' little Twain find]

Don't you get it yet? The conditioning starts in the crib, and before the first cap-pistol. And Twain wasn't able to publish his little homily - in US and while alive. Posthumous. Accident... that we ever even saw it.

(Check out Karstens 'find' too -in Open Forum re Army subsidizing video 'training' games) Rest case.

It's ~ about sheep grazing. Docilely.
