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New Calling all Crystal Reports Goobs.
I'm working with Crystal Reports 9.0 and I have a chart on it. This chart prints on about 8 pages. I'm trying to format the series. It is a Line chart. My problem is that in "Design" mode, there are only 4 lines on the chart. When I Preview/Run the report, I get all five lines for each series. The only way I know how to format the line/line markers/etc. is to select the line in Design mode.

I know I can format each Chart's fifth line from the preview pane, but that means that I'd have to go through each chart. That wouldn't work anyway as this report prints 1..N charts at runtime. So, how do I format the line and line marker for a line on a chart when the line I need to format is not on the chart when I am in design mode?
Expand Edited by mmoffitt April 30, 2004, 04:54:09 PM EDT
New I figured out part of it, if anyone's interested.
You have to use the "Chart Expert". Go to the Options tab, click the "Format" button for the color then add a new "Color Condition". It doesn't look like you can format the line width though, which truly sucks, but at least you can change the color.
     Calling all Crystal Reports Goobs. - (mmoffitt) - (1)
         I figured out part of it, if anyone's interested. - (mmoffitt)

That's right subspace ponies! I'm makin' gravy without the lumps!
55 ms