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New About those WMDs
[link|http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/meast/04/26/jordan.terror/index.html|Major al Qaeda strike disrupted in Jordan]

AMMAN, Jordan (CNN) -- Jordanian authorities said Monday they have broken up an alleged al Qaeda plot that would have unleashed a deadly cloud of chemicals in the heart of Jordan's capital, Amman.

The plot would have been more deadly than anything al Qaeda has done before, including the September 11 attacks, according to the Jordanian government.

Among the alleged targets were the U.S. Embassy, the Jordanian prime minister's office and the headquarters of Jordanian intelligence.

U.S. intelligence officials expressed caution about whether the chemicals captured by Jordanian authorities were intended to create a "toxic cloud" chemical weapon, but they said the large quantities involved were at a minimum intended to create "massive explosions."

I say:

Scuttlebutt is the WMDs for this job [link|http://www.newsmax.com/archives/ic/2004/4/17/141224.shtml|came from Syria], a Ba'athist nation. How did they get in Syria in the first place? Anything to do with [link|http://www.canoe.ca/NewsStand/WinnipegSun/News/2004/01/25/324358.html|those convoys] from Iraq into Syria in the last days of the Iraq war?

Time will tell. At any rate, it's more plausible than any of the [link|http://www.angelfire.com/ca3/marlowe/iraq.lying.about.lying.html|Bush Lied!!!(TM)] conspiracy theories. By far.

[link|http://www.angelfire.com/ca3/marlowe/#20040426|Home link]
Americans: a pack, not a herd.
Never mind all the mass graves. Where's the nerve gas?
"It\ufffds Warholian: in the future, all conflicts will be Vietnam for 15 minutes." - Lileks
New Get meds.
They do help.

We've been in country (remember the phrase?) for a year without one single piece of evidence whatsoever. Saying they magiced it away is a bit .. childlike?

Do you remember, "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence"? So just how long are we supposed to wait for evidence of presence?
It is much harder to be a liberal than a conservative. Why?
Because it is easier to give someone the finger than it is to give them a helping hand.
Mike Royko
New s/meds/laid|a job|a life/

[link|http://www.debian.org|Shill For Hire]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
     About those WMDs - (marlowe) - (2)
         Get meds. - (Silverlock) - (1)
             s/meds/laid|a job|a life/ -NT - (pwhysall)

Shop smart. Shop S-Mart.
59 ms