Re: Correct. Tables and queries share the same namespace.
Ya, I finally figured that out. Sorry, went ballistic on that one. The combination of XP and Orifice 2003 has just caused my whole system to go to hell recently. I'm about to reboot for the umpteenth time in the last couple of weeks because XP tells me via error message that it can't find an MDB file which is clearly there and which it subsequently opens with no problem. Monday I was happily making changes to a database and copying the files to the users' Win98 local drives, and Tuesday after doing the same, it just plain stopped working and completely bombed out of their Access versions. Then certain of MY MDBs refused to display the code in the code window and blanked out the option to show the code. I'd go into the excitement of attempting to de-install everything related to Orifice, but that would require several pages, 2-part harmonies, and a Greek chorus lamenting the human condition.
Back I go to my Sysiphean task of trying to make XP/Orifice do something useful. . . .