TM: I was only addressing the practicality of the examples, not the demonstration of dynamic polymorphism. My general complaint is a derth of more applicable examples. Shapes, animals, stacks, and device drivers can only take one so far.

Well, it is apparent that you think you people-type example has legs. If so, make a real example out of it. Specify some requirements so some code can be written. Shoot, if you don't want to write the p/r code, I'll do it for you.

If not, its time to take down that page because it is obvious that you are merely arguing against a strawman (i.e. OO design that only the inexperienced would propose).

TM: I haven't requested working code from OO'ers for that. [...]

That's misleading. You only ask for sketches ("It can either be real code or pseudo-code." [link||http://www.geocities...izer/challeng.htm]), but then you critisize the examples for omitting code ("The OOP version has simply put many of the details somewhere else." [link||http://www.geocities...blizer/chal01.htm]).

That's why I'm only interested in working code. No hand-waving need apply.