Is that what you are getting at?!
I'll stand by my terminology and remind you that I am not claiming that "my" God is bigger than yours, theirs or anyone else's. I am stating that these terrorist acts are unGodly, by any religious definitions. Yes, these Islamic Extremists are using their Koran to find justification in God's name for such murder but the rest of the world (religious and otherwise) has condemned these horrific acts as brutal, savage and degrading to Islam.
Just because a small subset of religious maniacs claim that murder is a Godly act doesn't mean that all religious people think that way. So, I'll stick by my claim that these murders were not a Godly act, even if it upsets you. You seem to think we ought to throw out all religious texts just because of a few bad apples? This is not really a religious war but rather a power struggle that uses religion to motivate impoverished Islamic zealots.