How would including issues not addressed by dynamic polymorphism improve the illustration of the implementation of dynamic polymorphism. It would just cloud the issue.
I was only addressing the practicality of the examples, not the demonstration of dynamic polymorphism. My general complaint is a derth of more applicable examples. Shapes, animals, stacks, and device drivers can only take one so far.
However, regarding your rants: if you ever decide to expand that People-Type thought experiment into a real example (real and complete working code), then let me know. I would love to compare.
I haven't requested working code from OO'ers for that. Even a general skeleton would be a start. We can flesh out more later. Working OO code is often too bloated for my tastes anyhow.
BTW, I have not found a satisfactory p/r solution to the "employee types" problem either. It is just that OO is not an improvement.