Thank you very much that is the kind of response I was looking for. I am reading my books. The college offers a Statistics Learning Lab in two weeks and I am signing up for it.
The class is a business research class, but uses statistics, we covered some terms the other night and will go over them more next week. I was one of the few who got the instructor's joke that "It is all greek", as they use greek letters to represent things. :)
BTW other students had the same problems on the test that I did. A woman who took two years of statistics said she scored about as well as I did. Keep in mind that most of the students in my class are adults going back to school who had courses a long time ago and are now just going back to college to finish a degree. We have two more tests to take. The first test was only worth 5 points, very low, but without the Syllabus I did not know how much it was worth.
I read 147 pages in one week, I had to take the phone off the hook to do it. I had to tell a lot of people "No!" when they had computer problems and they understood once I told them how much work I had to do and what type of class I had. In 5 weeks I have to read over 700 pages. 124 pages for this next week. One student said she only was able to read 11 pages of the first section because her work didn't allow her to take the time to read it. Overtime I guess? There will be a quiz of course.
I was put in charge of the class while the instructor left for 15 minutes, as we formed into learning teams. I made sure everyone was on a team. My first management experience and I did well.
I wish I had time to read the other forums, but I got two papers to write and 124 pages to read. Usually we have 50 to 70 pages to read per week, this class covers almost twice the material in the same amount of time as the other classes.