Maybe this is getting too far afield re Consumer Reports, but:
Seems that the (only supplier here) Cablevision folk like a Motorola SB-5100 cable modem - will rent one at $5/month. I gather there are Toshibas, Samsung and Linksys; others? The tech, out of St. Jo. MO reported ~ that the indicator light logic on the Motorola seemed 'easier to interpret' by the [unwashed = that would be my 'client', in this regard]. Said also that the Motorolas have caused them the least trouble.
Buy/rent - have to now look for prices. Any opinions on cable modems or the Motorola in particular? EZ enough math to weigh the $60/yr with Company service VS no service and no monthly.
..and Mozilla 1.4 on a '95 Tecra P-120 and its 40MB max mem -- is quite slower than crashy but tinier NS Nav 4.5; Sheesh the stuff we put up with to get tabbed browsing.
Ashton, who almost 'needs' a faster nb
I.. can.. see.. Moz.. plod-ding-ly filling in the l e t t e r s;
prolly back to {ugh} Netscrape