Possible giant Red Herring, beyond fruitful 'argument' even.
That is, IMhO in most Western societies and particularly in US, I don't believe we have ever - generally - addressed the concepts behind "medical care". In particular, allopathic philosophy (treatment of 'symptoms' via millions of targetted drugs) is quite VS so many other approaches, mainly based upon the concepts ~~
Maintenance of robust health, caring in particular to promote, maintain a healthy immune system: obviates the need for trying to connect (varieties of symptoms to.. things we like to call 'diseases').
That is the larger context I believe. The debate has gone on (quite sub-rosa) since the AMA formed in US early last century, and tried to label all other approaches: quackery. They mostly succeeded in this spin, oft times viciously in the infighting.
As a consequence of the institutionalized power of allopathy - in US, it is still difficult to find competent alternative health care amidst the Bizness-greed spawned quackery (also out there - as was guaranteed to grow via this YAN prohibition of all alternatives). This all.. quite at variance with how other countries comforably accept diversity of approaches.
(Trauma treatment is quite apart from 'disease' of course; there, US-style treatment is unequalled anywhere - most all agree.)
I think that the above - wherever one comes down on the debate? (which rarely happens on any $-media) - explains why all $, political forays into this whole topic: appear to fail miserably, yield always to those who have the power and money - the incumbents. Only the price rises.
Lately too (as I read in last Sun paper) - Drs. bailing from HMO regimentation, declining fees and satisfaction "with medicine".. forget humongous number voting 'large dissatisfaction'. So it goes..
Mare's nest. I don't like to even *try* imagining any way out of the morass, myself - I just stay away from all but a few simple 'nostrums', as a principle which has worked so far. Good luck to the massively over-medicated.