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New Bush's speech
Well, it wasn't as bad as some of his speeches, but he still isn't good at it. I noticed he called both Powell and Rumsfeld secretary of state, and who ever is responsible for that tie should be fired.

Mostly the speech was a rah-rah speech saying that what we are doing is necissary and good and working and we are going to carry though no matter what. Lots of talk of terrorists, conflating al-Qaida and terrorists in general. Repeats the big lie that there is no alternative to his policy.

Asked about the Vietnam - Iraq comparison he just denies it without giving any reason why, and goes back to the Iraq will make the world a better place line.

When asked about the missing WMDs, he went with the Saddam was a growing threat line. Tried to draw every connection he could between Saddam and terrorists. He also tried to claim that the UN authorized the move.

He went out of his way several times to claim that the majority of Iraqis where happy that Saddam was removed and want the US in the country. The first claim is almost surely true, the second rather questionable.

A rather long and rambling dodge on the topic of catching Osama and personal responsibility. Clearly unscripted, he started and stopped and side tracked again and again answering the question.

Very blunt direct question asking why Bush never admits making any mistakes. Bush dodged entirly, answering a question about the 9/11 attack. Another one asking of Bush will give any apology like Clarke did, another dodge. Didn't exactly say yes or no, but made it clear he wasn't going to. And yet another one asking what his biggest mistake since 9/11 was, and he couldn't come up with anything.

A couple of questions played on North Korea. He didn't directly threaten North Korea but he did call them a threat while saying Saddam was threat and that is why Iraq needed invaded. Took credit for Libia more then once, trying to tie it to the invasion of Iraq.

New Re: Bush's speech
Missed it, but reading [link|http://www.csmonitor.com/earlyed/early_usa041304.htm|a report]...

Monitor White House correspondent Feldmann noted that the president repeated the deeply religious language he often uses in campaign appearances to explain the US mission in Iraq. "Freedom is the Almighty\ufffds gift," the president said. "We have an obligation to work toward a more free world."

Whazzat, "Slavery is Freedom" and "This is a holy war" in the same line? Also:

we must stay the course because the end result is in our nation\ufffds interest.

looks a lot like "The ends justify the means".

Found [link|http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/04/20040413-20.html|a transcript], will try to read. A glanceover makes it look like he doesn't have a fsckign clue what's he's doing in Iraq.
New 2 things.
I was watching hockey, so I missed it. I saw a couple of clips of him this morning. I find it hilarious, in a sick sort of way, that he now says he's looking to the 9/11 commission for answers on how to fix the intel problems. Ironic, isn't it? That he fought tooth-and-nail to prevent the commission from coming into existence.

Second, he said something along the lines of wishing the DHS had been there pre-9/11. Again, he fought tooth-and-nail against the establishment of the DHS all the way up until it looked like its establishment was inevitable and then did the quickest 180 he's done to date.

(Mind: I am opposed to the Geheime Statzpolezei DHS, but the hypocrisy in this admin is reaching a crescendo)
New Hypocricy, I dont even think they have started yet :(
This administration has been earmarked by the rat of all rats Dean as being sleazier than his group. This is not a good thing.
"You're just like me streak. You never left the free-fire zone.You think aspirins and meetings and cold showers are going to clean out your head. What you want is God's permission to paint the trees with the bad guys. That wont happen big mon." Clete
questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]
     Bush's speech - (JayMehaffey) - (3)
         Re: Bush's speech - (tangaroa)
         2 things. - (mmoffitt) - (1)
             Hypocricy, I dont even think they have started yet :( - (boxley)

It applies to so much...
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