[link|http://www.lileks.com/bleats/index.html|ObLRPD, or whatever]
When I was in college, El Salvador was Vietnam. When I was in Washington, Kuwait was Vietnam. Afghanistan was briefly Vietnam when we hadn\ufffdt won the war after a week. It\ufffds Warholian: in the future, all conflicts will be Vietnam for 15 minutes.
I say:
In this age of convenience and efficiency, we now have Instant Quagmire. No need to slave over a hot bog. Just add idiocy and stir.
By the way, Vietnam wasn't the first quagmire we took over from France. The first was the Louisiana delta, and the second was the Isthmus of Panama. And our president at the time had the good sense to drain the swamp. Then that idiot Carter went and gave away a perfectly good canal.
US out of Louisiana!