And would there have been *any* unpleasant letter sent...
...if the media hasn't been shouting at every opportunity "We might be subject to Anthrax!"
I mean, talk about giving people ideas... I do wish they'd stop saying "Smallpox will probably be next." Are the media reporting the news, or creating it? (Guess that's one of those Eternal Questions, really...)
On and on and on and on, and on and on and on goes John.
for a diabolically easy way to umm raise most "oxidizable" objects of any size, surface area to: 'kindling temperature'. Simple substances - one of these fortunately not available just Everywhere - but not a problem to obtain.
More I cannot say; not being coy - I dread when it hits the chat rooms and the mouth-breathers, especially in the police-state atmosphere next to follow from The Patriot [!!] Act operative *today*.