Nice: gets cigar.
Ditto on thanks. Small, fast - neat-o! Added to UTILS, run.
I decided to forego the overhead and tendency to create problems for Doze glass-fragility of (whatever AV s/ware I've heard of).
Stinger isn't a substitute for AV scans, I realize (and it tells you) - but nice to have 'passed' on at least the Biggies du jour, right up to 3/29/04.
Wish there were a simple ~ 1MB (via dialup!) AV checker, even at DOS level; that much effort I'd expend for the occasional verification that my firewall is still ept. Alas, the last suggested one such, which I tried to obtain.. IIRC demanded some sequence of preinstall stages as proved fruitless. Can't recall name - but the idea sounded Good. Screw TSIs in 'Doze - walk/chew gum it can't. 'Course too - I ain't a bizness workstation; and have no network, coworker floppies to contend with.)
so-far-so-good sans prophylaxis :-)