Sometimes you want an expensive to compute thing to be available in many places. A standard way to do it is to create a class that will only produce one object. If you call the class' constructor, it will produce and save the object only if it doesn't exist, then return it. On the second call it just returns it. This is called a singleton because there is a single instance of the class.
The problem is that when one person has used the singleton you have an object that exists which isn't referenced outside the class. A good GC algorithm would detect that the object is still in use and shouldn't be destroyed. In real software, the object can get detected as garbage and destroyed, forcing you to create it again. Not desired since not having to create it again and again was, after all, the point of creating singleton.
"good ideas and bad code build communities, the other three combinations do not"
- [link||Stefano Mazzocchi]