That they conducted the operations innefficiently? I was amazed at how well it all went. Really. Having been in the Army, it amazes me that the ass clowns who run the place can even get water to the troups. The President is in charge of ground logistics? I always imagined that the Pres told the pentagon what the objectives were and they handled the details...
As per the Saudis (et al), which president has not bent over to any OPEC nation, forgetting human rights et al... We the fucking people are starting to complain about the price of gas right now. I suppose the president who takes the moral high ground will get high marks for his courage and fortitude when gasoline costs $5 per gallon, right? Bullshit. We the fucking people will vote his sorry ass out quicker than shit through a goose.
Change? I would vote for a change if I was given a choice. Who, other than Nader, stands for real change? Will you vote for him or will you buy into the steaming pile of bile and bullshit from the other white meat? Change for change sake is not necessarily a good thing. We had 8 years of flipflopping assclownery prior to Shrub. Package a snake oil salesman however you wish. JFK. Sorry, Box, but I'm not buying it and I don't believe that most independents will. Oh well.