It may even be compared to a sort of 'states rights' VS Feds only: individual rights VS ALL - this re. the question, who is best qualified to know intimately, the wishes of a single human in extremis?
*ANY* authority figure? or - just about anyone else, with unarguable* emotional / family ties to the person involved. This goes across the above issues as well as abortion and the same "ownership of one's own body" OVER all other artificial theoretical codifications.
* Nothing *is* 'unarguable' of course, such as we are: a society with 10x the number of attorneys than engineers (and that's dropping - for Biz-AD courses). So some sort of qualifying thought is evidently required - to claim this status - but 'status' it is, however evasive of a nice slogan to define it.
Current laws indeed suck, but I'm not sure we possess the remaining means for countering terabytes of legal precedents - VS what was once deemed 'common sense'. In that last - we are all in trouble, not just the dying, today.