We actually just got someone from a different group which closed down and did just that. We took someone good who doesn't really know Java, hopefully it will work out.
I could go to work tomorrow if only ONE person in the ENTIRE 300 million person country would admit that they hire idiots and take a chance on a demonstrable non-idiot. I am still out of work and will stay that way. For God's sake *Todd's* out of work! How is this possible? How?
and HR looks for buzzwords and other stupidities and has no way of evaluating technical people. Also, today there is this mindset that the company is looking for specific skills and if you don't have that specific skill forget it. Last but not least is that the fact that there is a serious lack of knowledge in the field in general. Most people have had no exposure to anything but C/C++, Java and Widnows, and therefore they can't understand other viewpoints.
and do real development in it for 3 years. It changed my perspective on everything. I also took a programming languages in grad school which also at least introduced me to some other paradigms. These kinds of things really expand your thinking. For example, most of the Java programmers that I work(ed) with find absolutely nothing wrong with primitive types, they don't even realize that other languages have no such concept and that this might be a good idea.
When I used to interview people for Java programming positions one of the questions I used to ask was "Do you think primitive types are a good thing in Java?" If they could at least explain the issues involved it showed that they had some understanding of things. You wouldn't believe how many people did not understand the question.
I dont know, but as long as they bathe regular I dont mind
did I get the job? :-) thanx, bill
"You're just like me streak. You never left the free-fire zone.You think aspirins and meetings and cold showers are going to clean out your head. What you want is God's permission to paint the trees with the bad guys. That wont happen big mon." Clete questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]
I don't mean by that that it gets worse, well I do, but I don't mean it that way. Unless you thought I meant the opposite of what I meant, in which case vice versa (or verce visa if you prefer).
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