I agree with you - that's why I pointed out the anti-Disneylike message "Sharing is Wrong" in the title. Kinda highlights how they are using thier wholesome image for unwholesome purposes.
"Daddy, you shouldn't copy your CDs to the hard drive like that, the cartoon said it's wrong."
"Kitten, sometimes it's OK to make copies. I can do that if I don't give them to someone else" (possibly followed by "These guys
want you to listen to thier music! Let's look at thier website!" ?).
Using cartoons to push a specific political (NOT moral) point into impressionable brains is wrong.
Bypassing the parents is bad, yes. If
you were to pick cartoons that reinforced views you want your child to hold, that would be OK. The problem here are parents that abdicate parenting responsibility to the TV and think of Disney as "wholesome".
Disney is trying to bring an unfair provision into existence by riding on the coattails of "morality".
Nah, they are trying do define what moral actions