Post #147,645
3/22/04 9:26:38 PM

but the murderer HAD been tried and convicted in a trial
for exactly that but was released in a prisoner exchange. If he was still in Israeli Jail it would be a life sentence, they dont have a death sentence there. It wasnt until his prisoner swap that he went right back to killing Israelis, Kinda like if we gave Bundy a pass in florida and he moved to Orlando and went on doing serial murders. Now he is/was outside their juidicial jurisdiction sending killers into Israel and refused to stop. He is stopped now. Doesnt mean a shitload of others wont take his spot. thanx, bill
"You're just like me streak. You never left the free-fire zone.You think aspirins and meetings and cold showers are going to clean out your head. What you want is God's permission to paint the trees with the bad guys. That wont happen big mon." Clete questions, help? [link||email pappas at]
Post #147,647
3/22/04 9:30:39 PM

Then what's the goal?
Doesnt mean a shitload of others wont take his spot.
Vengence? Is that it? We want our governments seeking vengence? Thank you, but I'll pass.
I've heard several analysts who, I presume, know the situation a lot better than I, and perhaps even you, do. They all concur that we now can look forward to a period of increased violence and murder. I don't know the case, I wasn't talking about the case - I was remarking that it is not surprising that we would have no problem with another country abandoning "due process" because we had done so ourselves.
Still, I maintain that no one has ever overcome and adversary by becoming just like him.
bcnu, Mikem
The soul and substance of what customarily ranks as patriotism is moral cowardice and always has been...We have thrown away the most valuable asset we had-- the individual's right to oppose both flag and country when he (just he, by himself) believed them to be in the wrong. We have thrown it away; and with it all that was really respectable about that grotesque and laughable word, Patriotism.
- Mark Twain, "Monarchical and Republican Patriotism"
Post #147,651
3/22/04 9:37:32 PM

If they had asked me I woulda said leave him alone
but they didnt, all the calls crying extra juidicial are bogus, he had already been tried convicted and "exchanged" not pardoned for multiple murders. It is polite when being exchanged to take yourself out of the running. That didnt happen here. If you look to our own war between the states if an exchanged prisoner showed back up on the feild he was sumarily executed. thanx, bill
"You're just like me streak. You never left the free-fire zone.You think aspirins and meetings and cold showers are going to clean out your head. What you want is God's permission to paint the trees with the bad guys. That wont happen big mon." Clete questions, help? [link||email pappas at]
Post #147,654
3/22/04 9:44:02 PM

You know this case better than I. However, ...
your claim that he continued to plan/execute murders after the exchange is, to the best of my knowledge, an unproven claim. So, he was, in fact, executed without due process. For, he was clearly not executed for the crimes of which he was convicted.
Mind, this isn't my fight, just pointing this out.
bcnu, Mikem
The soul and substance of what customarily ranks as patriotism is moral cowardice and always has been...We have thrown away the most valuable asset we had-- the individual's right to oppose both flag and country when he (just he, by himself) believed them to be in the wrong. We have thrown it away; and with it all that was really respectable about that grotesque and laughable word, Patriotism.
- Mark Twain, "Monarchical and Republican Patriotism"
Post #147,663
3/22/04 10:12:50 PM

well in his own words he stated to be the source of the
suicide bombings, consistantly praised them and always promising more, what more do you need. Here is an alternative opinion, [link||http://seattlepi.nws...5822_right23.html] Remember that Hamas' goals are not susceptible to concession or negotiation. The two-state solution, as envisaged by the Oslo agreement, would have been agreed and enacted during the last year of the Clinton administration if it weren't for the irreconcilable claims of militant minorities, such as Hamas, which in Yassin's words consider all of the land of Israel and Palestine to be "consecrated for future Muslim generations until Judgment Day."
As difficult as extremist nationalism is to mollify, that of Yassin's Hamas is worse, because he introduced the "spiritual" element into his call for jihad. After 9/11 and March 11 this year, the nature, the tactics and the goals of Islamic militancy should be apparent to everyone.
Take the statement by Hamas, quoting from the Koran, "millions of Muslims will go out to 'visit with destruction all that fell into their power'." also note [link||http://www.tranceadd...pic/154231-1.html] search on Yassin, this guy was a hardcore. thanx, bill
"You're just like me streak. You never left the free-fire zone.You think aspirins and meetings and cold showers are going to clean out your head. What you want is God's permission to paint the trees with the bad guys. That wont happen big mon." Clete questions, help? [link||email pappas at]
Post #147,664
3/22/04 10:17:07 PM

I have no doubt that he was an evil dude.
But, I still have huge problems with the state killing some one without at least a trial. The first time this bothered me that I can recall was when Reagan killed Qadaffi's 9 month old daughter with Navy jets. I still haven't gotten over that completely.
bcnu, Mikem
The soul and substance of what customarily ranks as patriotism is moral cowardice and always has been...We have thrown away the most valuable asset we had-- the individual's right to oppose both flag and country when he (just he, by himself) believed them to be in the wrong. We have thrown it away; and with it all that was really respectable about that grotesque and laughable word, Patriotism.
- Mark Twain, "Monarchical and Republican Patriotism"
Post #147,677
3/22/04 11:38:13 PM

he was given a trial and found guilty of multiple murder
when the Israelis exchanged him he got back in the business right away. He is the acknowledged head of HAMAS. even hamas admits that! Found guilty, exchanged prisoner, started up again, I understand Quadaffi's daughter but this man happily admitted he was in the killing bidness for his cause so why the anguish about him being taken out by the opposition? It would be different if he even assumed a mantle of innocence but it was kill jews every day all the time. How many times do you have to try him? thanx, bill
"You're just like me streak. You never left the free-fire zone.You think aspirins and meetings and cold showers are going to clean out your head. What you want is God's permission to paint the trees with the bad guys. That wont happen big mon." Clete questions, help? [link||email pappas at]