[link|http://users.skynet.be/yekiti/ingilizi/rightcolumn/kurdishmedia14-03-2004.htm|Giving you the backstory now for the news of the future]
They started a campaign of forced Arabization and assimilation.
All Kurdish publications, schools and organizations were outlawed,
Kurdish activists jailed and tortured, hundreds of Kurdish villages forcefully depopulated from their Kurdish inhabitant and replaced by
Arabs, the Syrian government in 1963 suspended the Syrian citizenship from 200,000 Kurds and forced the Kurds to change their Kurdish names to Arabic names. The Baathest government uses fascist policies of arrest, murder, torture, discrimination and terror to keep the Kurds under control. They left the Kurdish area backward, poor and unable to support its population. Their aims are to force the Kurds to leave Kurdistan to other Syrian cities or out of Syria and to destroy the Kurdish Culture and identity.
These inhuman policies created an economic, political, social and psychological tragedy for the Kurds in Syria. It is a genocide against the Kurdish identity, culture and human dignity.
The recent news coming out of Syria on March 12-13, 2004, indicate that the attack on the Kurds in Qamishli was organized by the Baath Party Arab members and their team Fotowa (Youth). Thousands of Arab Baathests transported by buses from Dear Azoor City carrying arms and Saddam Hussein\ufffds pictures to Qamishli City. They chanted slogans against the Kurds and attacked the Kurdish population with help from the Syrian security police.
In the last two days between 22 to 50 persons were killed by the Syrian security police and more than 1500 arrested. The Kurds demonstrated all over the Kurdish cities and in Damascus the Capital of Syria demanding an immediate investigation and the Kurdish rights.
These current events of violence and oppression against the Kurdish people in Qamishli and other Kurdish cities in Syria are an indication that the Syrian government is following the steps of Saddam Hussein\ufffds policies against the Kurds.
It is time for the international community and the USA, EU, UN to protect the Kurds in Syria and stop these atrocities.
It is time to start the Democratization process of the Middle East and Syria.
I say:
Well, scratch the UN. They don't give a damn about people who don't have their own nation state. Except Palestinians, and that's only because they hate Jews. Too bad you don't hate Jews. The UN might help you out then.
And the EU don't give a damn about actual human beings at all.
USA? We'll get to you guys. Don't know when. When the election is over, we'll all have a better idea of the timeframe.
Remember when the Left could claim with a straight face to care about the oppressed peoples of the world, and not be laughed off the pulpit? Yes, it's been a while.