Post #146,413
3/15/04 11:19:55 PM
3/15/04 11:21:14 PM

On "The Daily Show"
Democrat Senator Schumer (NY) says "we need to develop an attack squad [like the Republicans have]". "They hit you, hit 'em back."
Stewart says "Careful they have bunker-busters!"

Edited by deSitter
March 15, 2004, 11:21:14 PM EST
Post #146,440
3/16/04 8:19:54 AM

WTF is Carvelle? better than any repo Ive seen yet
when I was young I envisioned myself as the embodiment of Trinity, Now I realize I have turned into the Bambino questions, help? [link||email pappas at]
Post #146,463
3/16/04 11:52:35 AM

Haven't like him since I found out who he sleeps with.
Anybody that can do that, can't be good.
bcnu, Mikem
I don't do third world languages. So no, I don't do Java.
Post #146,474
3/16/04 12:20:13 PM

but amoral is what you want in an attack chipmonk :-)
when I was young I envisioned myself as the embodiment of Trinity, Now I realize I have turned into the Bambino questions, help? [link||email pappas at]
Post #146,501
3/16/04 1:42:17 PM

Eh? Male I assume?
He's got the "killer fag" look.
Post #146,529
3/16/04 2:58:50 PM

Far, far, far worse.
She has since resigned that post, but if you like Anne Coulter, you'd love her. She's Carville's wife.
bcnu, Mikem
I don't do third world languages. So no, I don't do Java.
Post #146,523
3/16/04 2:43:19 PM

Who is Carvelle? And who or what is it sleeping with such that Mikey goes spla over it? To be sure, he goes spla over the snap of a breaking spider web, but it seemed like quite a reaction over a (private?) bedmate.
Enquiring minds yada yada
Post #146,526
3/16/04 2:51:43 PM

Re: Ok...
He's [link||] this ass clown...
Just a few thoughts,
Post #146,545
3/16/04 3:56:43 PM

Cool. Thanks.
Post #146,588
3/16/04 8:53:54 PM

yeah mikey why? You're a pilot? Why whine?
Post #146,665
3/17/04 9:24:16 AM

That which the NeoCons and their followers lack: conscience.
bcnu, Mikem
I don't do third world languages. So no, I don't do Java.