If you vote for socialism, you're a terrorist!
It's not a mistake, at all. I'd vote for socialism EVERY DAMN TIME because I believe that capitalism does more to enslave people than the alternative; it's just that capitalism has the nice side-effect of moving the slavery out of sight where it doesn't have to stop us all sleeping at night.
Why is it that when you idiots on the far right see anything that means someone, somewhere might want to live in a left-leaning democracy, you immediately jump on the "terrorist sympathisers!" bandwagon?
Bah humbug to the lot of you. You can take your "If it ain't merkin-style 'democracy' then it be craaaap!" whining and smoke it.
Just accept that other people don't have the priorities (i.e. CONSUME CONQUER ASSIMILATE) that you do.
And for gawd's sake, shut the fuck up about WW2. The Americans then are not the Americans now. THEY were statesmen representing the land of the Free, giving a genuine helping hand to their fellow man. Your CURRENT regime is in need of change, for it's a corrupt junta.
And you owe it all to the French, anyway, if you're going to go down THAT route.
P.S. Trim your sig. It looks silly and is largely meaningless.