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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New To see other workgroups from the Mac
I'm on Jaguar, so with that in mind...

To see my Windows boxes I just hit Cmd-K in the Finder (or 'connect to server' in the Go menu), then twiddle my thumbs for a while (minute or more) until it finds the workgroups on my network. They're (eventually) all listed in the Connect to Server dialogue.

To put your mac into a different workgroup, go to your Applications, then Utilites, then open the Directory Access app. Unlock the settings if you need to, then go to the Services tab, click SMB, then Configure. It'll then bring up a sheet where you and change the workgroup you're in (and lets you specify a WINS server)

There, easy! (Yes, I know ... NOT!) I had to look up this 'change workgroup' thing in The Missing Manual.

John. Busy lad.
New shortcut
sudo vi /etc/smb.conf
Have fun,
Carl Forde
New Re: To see other workgroups from the Mac

Well buggar me dead mate ! bloody well worked !.

I see I have to add a few users across the machines but that is normal.

Many thanks

New Grin - Nice one!
John. Busy lad.
     Need help on getting Apples to join workgroup - (dmarker) - (9)
         To see other workgroups from the Mac - (Meerkat) - (3)
             shortcut - (cforde)
             Re: To see other workgroups from the Mac - (dmarker) - (1)
                 Grin - Nice one! -NT - (Meerkat)
         Re: Need help on getting Apples to join workgroup - (danreck) - (2)
             now your icon.. - (deSitter) - (1)
                 Did you ever doubt evolution? - (danreck)
         Dunno if I'm teaching granny to suck eggs, but... - (pwhysall) - (1)
             Thats a great site for these types of queries - (dmarker)

113 ms