Re: That!!!
Completely unsurprised at his response.
I recall those exchanges well. The heat merely expressed the vehemence of the polarities. It is the very-same non-'debate' being Acted Out Right Now re the Far-Right Fundie roots of the present cabal, and its obvious agenda:
That we shall ALL accept their horrific vision of the cosmos -
Or boil in the oil of the Fantasy of Revelations. Period. cha cha cha.
(Meanwhile: screw the planet, its resources and the fools upon it, less'n they are in My Exact Club - but.. We'll Be Watching *YOU* Too..)
This conflict, and its Paternalistic, Authoritarian root forms the very core of the Puritan- and other seeds in the Murican conditioning process. Why should it surprise.. or for that matter, Matter! - - should a fellow IT-person demonstrate the entire panoply of Beliefs of all those 'possessed' of the illusion-of-Possessing THE Truth\ufffd ??
Shit happens (but only to those who always use the 3rd person, to evade responsibilty for Shitting).
Ben is quite correct, via my own recollections -- of a pattern of Ben-baiting snide remarks, culminating in a STATEMENT (not mere wink-wink nudge-nudge BS) involving the fact of Ben's marriage, etc. etc. as needs NO recapitulation here or anywhere. Insulting is too mild a word as is, hubris.. too innocuous a tag for the perpetrator of such garbage as I Read. (Much of That exchange may even reside on an old HD of mine, somewhere)
He sowed. He pontificated. He reaped. He left. EOF
So then - Nick may have been all those Wonderful things as regards insightful delineation of *nix and of the machinations of the standard corrupt Murican Corporation du jour. {Yawn} And fun to be around, on the level of beer + Billy jokes.
But I deem him, from his own words - among the identified enemies of the continued survival of the planet. It is He and His (their mindset) who shall forever perpetuate the head-on Iraq-ization of the world until the nukes come out.
And: THEY WILL. There is no shame left in our governance or our culture, nor finally, within those whom we have contrived against -- for the Lion's share of all the stuff out there. That die is cast. We'll Kill to keep the stuff -as much as we can keep- of the lopsided 'division of spoils' 5%/95% ratio. They will kill because: they know this too. And now - many also believe that Unlimited Consuming IS The Tao; we've sold Our Religion so effectively...
Just gotta love Irony, to live 'here'.
These weapons will be used, and increasingly likely, with each new piece of Language Murder: in my lifetime. Thus certainly: within Yours. Because of intransigence precisely as limned, post-by-post within >this microcosm< referenced. (That's the only 'value' I can see to its preservation; it could be edited quite a bit to tell briefly The Same Old Old Story that got us here, today.) No other 'value'.
I don't miss the presence of such a one, at all; I'd join the same debate with any wannabe replacement who cares to duel about His 'Absolute Truth' cha cha cha.
(And folks who want to keep it light and fizzy hereabouts - need not indulge when apocalyptic matters are faced by any of the others.) Nothing compels. If we start eschewing those er controversial topics :-0 -?- It's. All. Over.
At one point, I felt concern for the physical safety of Nick's (ex-) wife. Rage + Religio-Certainty Kills, now more and more often. Apparently she has escaped; have no idea of the factoids of the ex-family situation, nor could anyone know the contributing factors within ANY coupling. That much: we Know we don't know shit about.
my 3 kopeks.