I think perhaps you don't know what a metaphor is:
(To steal Jos. Campbell's illustration)
Johnny runs very fast --
"Johnny runs like a deer" ... WRONG.
"Johnny is a deer" ... RIGHT.
Think about it. You simply cannot list [literally, again] every possibly behaviour which is proscribed by (some statute). At Supreme Court level, the frequent axis of argumentation is, "the intent of the Legislators". Etc.
"What the words say" is about what the law 'means'; it is *NOT* a step-by-step description of all possible actions which fit that - -
Oh, your neurons were formatted with VB, right?
ie Thought is not optional.
a + b = c is not a very frequent case within actual life. Since life cannot be simplified downwards - you have to think upwards. Or become a Fundamentalist -- read all your answers from a book; whether the situation applies or not: make it Fit. It's so much easier (for you, but not for all the others).
Otherwise: you have to think.