thats bs and you know it
we had a constitution since 1776 and the blacks are treated equally to whites in America?
sure they are. You live where? Are you sure?:-)
Constitutions are better than basic law? Depends on the law. Talmudic law is refined over centuries on how man should treat his fellow man and man's relationship to the laws of G_d as laid down in the first 5 books. A similar notion to Supreme Court interpretation of the constitution refined by precedent over the last 228 years in America. The Jews have about 1800 written documented years of precededent and refinement. Does this equal justice for Israeli Arabs? Not anymore than a constitution does for Leanard Peltier, Dr. King, Rodney King and Mrs O.J. Simpson does in America.
Would I live in Israel? Only if it looked like she was going under or if I had to fight my way out of the camps here. Explain your position on how the rights enshrined in the basic law would be enforced if Israel enshrined those same rights in a "constitution" Oh yeah, Sharon could be appointed just like Scalia to their Supreme court. Laws are no better than the scoundrels that enforce them.
when I was young I envisioned myself as the embodiment of Trinity, Now I realize I have turned into the Bambino
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