. . but alcohol has the peculiar effect of magnifying natural inclinations. I recommend to all who would know themselves to get blotto now and occasionally (in the privacy and safety of your own home) and sort out the debris over the next few days. A little embarrasement is natural and inevitable, but if what you see is disturbing, you need to take corrective action. It isn't the alcohol speaking, it is you that is speaking.

I also would advise anyone contemplating marriage to see their sweethart swamped first, and take heed. What you see is what you are going to get. The familiarity of marriage will provide a similar release, with similar results.

Oh, one other thing - moderation. If you have to try to stop the room from spinning, you've over done it, and that's counter productive. Go have a conversation with the porcelain goddess, drink a lot of water, then sleep. Try to do better another day.