Constitutional ModelsAs for what has transpired in Iraq you have a constitution based on example number 1 imposed on a population more suited to number 5. let me add the following quote from the above link
1. Constitution as Frame of Government and Protector of Rights e.g., English-speaking countries of the New World
2. Constitution as Code e.g., Continental European democracies, India
3. Constitution as Revolutionary Manifesto e.g., Soviet bloc countries, Yugoslavia
4. Constitution as Political Ideal e.g., Latin American and African states
5. Constitution as Adaptation of Ancient Traditions e.g., United Kingdom, Israel, Iran
It is an even greater art to bring the constituency to endow the constitution with legitimacy. Constitutional legitimacy involves consent. It is not a commitment which can be coerced -- however much people can be coerced into obedience to a particular regime. Consensual legitimacy is utterly necessary for a constitution to have real meaning and to last. The very fact that, while rule can be imposed by force, constitutions can only exist as meaningful instruments by consent, is another demonstration that constitution-making is the preeminent political act.while the one written in Iraq sounds good, lets give it a year or two to see what it turns into.