Suspected our sole Renaissance Incarnation would have an angle, possibly a picture with authentic background .. and maybe an original device from an Eastern tomb, (not necessarily from any Baghdad contacts, of course). :-\ufffd
I like the concentrated idea and even more - the wonderful shape of your storage vessel. I shall forthwith seek out a suitable plunger dealie and begin refining perceptions of the various Oolongs and lightly roiling branch water - all arrayed on my Karastan.
(The Japanese Tea ceremony is, of course, about quite much more than the 'tea' - but it must rank as the most impressive ritual I know of, re the infusion; if not about the 'tasting'.)
Was arriving at Heathrow eons ago ~ 5 AM local time.. befoggedly shuffling down passageway to join my luggage. Then I spotted a Tea Lady + cart! For some paltry sum, I was served bloody good English-style tea in a porcelain-ish cup. Manna. Ready to face the ride to Stoke Newington and make it through the rest of the day. Even airport-grade - nobody makes tea like the Brits, for those of us that Do take milk with it. Unapologetically.
Thanks for the eye candy,