one heaping teaspoon of black tea for every 4oz cup. bring water to a furious boil, heat the teapot with hot water so the teapot is preheated. Add tea in the above amounts, pour boiling water into teapot. Wight 5 minutes, no more no less than five. Heat Mug to be used. 3.5 heaping teaspoons of sugar per 8oz mug. Fill to just below brim with tea. Carnation canned mik is added until color lightly changes, Stir vigorously and noisily, this will announce to others that tea is ready. My Nanna's recipe, you would be WIDE awake after having one of these with a scone for breakfast. Called it gunpowder tea. Now with tea bags I prefer the dunking method with a last squeeze.
Coffee on the other hand, take a lot of milk, nuke it to froth then add hot coffee and chocolate if you have some.