there were better ways of going about it. Just waiting a while, for instance. I do like to argue, but I also have a life. I had every intention of putting together cites, but you were unwilling to give me a chance. You gave me grief for not having it all together for you in a big package with a cherry on top RIGHT NOW. And I don't think that's reasonable.
I gave you a perfectly good summary of what's out there. It showed you what to look for. Then, because you couldn't be bothered to follow through, but preferred to babble about pink unicorns instead, I grabbed a handful of cites quickly off of Google, most of which you have studiously ignored. First I pointed at the spilled milk, then I splattered a few drops on you. You want a detailed chemical analysis and trajectory backtrace? You'll have to wait.
This whole thing smacks of playing hot potato with the burden of proof. But you know what? Somebody's got to shoulder that burden. If nobody else is man enough, I'll do it, sacrificing some of my free time. But so long as I'm doing this, I will insist on some conditions, on the principle of he who pays the piper calls the tune:
1. I do it when I get around to it, as I get around to it.
2. I define the deliverables. I'm not going to hold it all back until I'm finished. You get it as I find the online cites, or feel like typing in printed material by hand. And no whining about "that's not enough." It'll be done when it's done.
3. I'm not going to publish my timetvble in advance, for the simple reason that I can't. There's an unpredictability to my job. Sometimes I'm twiddling my thumbs waiting for various things from various other people in hardware specialties. That's when you see the most of me. Other times I'm trying desperately to integrate and debug a system for an uncomfortably near deadline, after these other people have finally stopped holding me up. I'm about to go into this mode Real Soon Now, they're promising me.
4. If you don't like my evidence, no whining, unless you can be bothered to gather a comparable amount of your own. If you're willing to do your fair share of the work, you get to critique. But only then. No sweat, no equity.
Watch this space.