We're talking about exceptional *individuals* here. That may be hard for a Leftist to grasp, what with that ideology that says there's only classes and masses. But do try to wrap your head around it. Otherwise you will never grasp what America is about.
Some of my ancestors oppressed others of my ancestors. And vice versa. Some of my ancestors had it coming. Some of them didn't. My ancestors are a mixed bag. That's their problem. *I* am a survivor, a respecter of virtue wherever I find it, and a despiser of sentimentality and falsehood wherever I find it.
Haiti is the worst imaginable soil for democracy and individual dignity. But even Haiti is no worse off for the attempt. They've been at or near rock bottom for centuries. In fact, it's hard to find a case that's worse than breakeven. Allende's Chile, maybe. Oh, and Hitler was democratically elected, sort of, in a roundabout way.
It's alleged that Aristide was escorted out at gunpoint by American troops. If I had given that order, I wouldn't be denying it. I'd be bragging about it. Only a thug-loving appeasenik like Kerry would take offense at the idea. Prediction: if Dubya wins re-election, Philippe will be a non-problem, and the rule of law - such as it ever existed in Haiti - will be restored. Otherwise, not.
Democratize the world. Free every individual we can, and teach them all to value and preserve that freedom, each for himself and for others. Whatever happens, it can't be worse than the status quo.