Holy rhombic round-from square prestidigitation!

I mean.. the plane circular interface would be enough of a test, but managing a circular 3-D rim e v e n l y - s p a c e d . . ! Impressive evenness of grout width at those transitions. You can't 'buy' that grade of workmanship.

Yup too, long after the satisfiction of a successful kernel compile - your artwork shall abide. Refreshing to see the drab rectilinear shapes of most domiciles (for the convenience of the tree-sawing community) nicely relieved by the Circle; the Symbol of Gawdlike Powerz.

Really like the smooth cut-out for doorway; intimations of half a keyhole {more Mysteries implicit}. Esoteric, no less.

(Got any more Ti at junk rates? Might trade you a small flat sheet of pure Beryllium = astoundingly light and stiff.. but not for bending.. it doesn't.)

