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New Huh?
We have a President who is the de facto leader of the Religious Right, whose appointments top to bottom show this.

We have a two party system, with the one that has managed to capture 2/3 of the last 6 Presidential elections having a platform that caters heavily towards the Religious Right. That party now has a majority in Congress, and is on the edge of winning the Senate as well. By all accounts, despite a thin margin in the Congress, the actual level of party control is probably higher than at any time in the last hundred years.

I'm not sure how much stronger religion could get before you would stop worrying about State Atheism. I'm also not sure which "before" you are talking about. It isn't the before of the 70's since religion today is much stronger than it was then. In fact one of the major goals that has so far eluded the Religious Right is to overturn Roe vs Wade, the high-water mark of judicial liberalism.

Is religion today stronger than religion was a century ago? I'd guess not. A century ago the threat of organized religious power was enough to motivate several states to amend their Constitutions to protect themselves further against it. It was one such measure that lay behind the lawsuit that started this thread.

Is religion today stronger than religion at the founding of the USA? Based on a number of things that I have read, I suspect so. But I am not historian enough to say for sure one way or the other.

Is religion today stronger than religion in the time of the Pilgrims? Certainly not. And I'm not ashamed to be glad about that.

Does the strength of religion vary depending on where you are? Certainly. I choose to live in a less religious area. I categorically refuse to live in the area known as "The Bible Belt" because my interactions with people from there have left me with the impression that I, as an atheist, would be made uncomfortable. I get along with most people of most beliefs perfectly well. But having people target me for conversion gets old, fast.

I'm guessing from your comments that you are religious and you might feel persecuted for it. If so, then I'd suggest that the martyrdom is more perceived than real. Objectively there is little reason to fear for the strength of religion today. And history suggests that the First Amendment has strengthened, rather than weakened, religion in this country.

"good ideas and bad code build communities, the other three combinations do not"
- [link|http://archives.real-time.com/pipermail/cocoon-devel/2000-October/003023.html|Stefano Mazzocchi]
New I was referring to a centiry (centuries) back.
I am indeed religious and I, personally do not feel prosecuted at all. Quite the opposite. And I agree with you that First Amendment served religion well.

I am very happy to see religion divested of state power. Power can only corrupt any religion. Does atheism have state power yet? No. At least, not in an active way. But, as state power and influence grows, this power squeezes religion out of the areas where it used to be permitted. State used to be not involved in education, social security, medical services. Now that it's there (and it's a good thing it's there, don't get me wrong), religion has been pushed out.

So far, it has all been in moderation. I can still send my kids to religious schools, or ask my community for help with medical bills. But, if certain forces have their way, I can see religious education abolished as harmful to children. I can see "single payer" medical system that will make privately (iow, religiously) funded medical help unavailable. And so on. This is so far back in the future, I can't see it clearly from here. I am comfortable with where we are now, and a bit more of state-church separation may actually be healthy (such as removal of the word "marriage" from the law of the land). But, if the trend continues, it _may_ lead too far.

The number of the beast - vi vi vi
--[link|http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?QuotesOnComputers|Delexa Jones]
New Interesting point
You are correct that long-term trends are for an ever-expanding government, that results in an expanding impact from The First Amendment.

I think that you are incorrect in some of your specific worries though. For instance if there is an effective single-payer program in place, I suspect that it would provide more affordable and better care than a private religious equivalent.

I also disagree that the impact on religion is a particularly worrisome aspect of this trend. Far more worrying to me is that the long-term growth of government is signficantly faster than the growth of GNP. I'm aware of some of the reasons why this is so, and don't see how they can easily be reversed. (Certainly nobody has been successful in reversing them...)

What happens when those two curves intersect? Well somewhere before then, the trend has to break. And if there is no easy way to break the trend, then there has to be a painful break. I don't remember exactly when that projected intersection is, but I am pretty sure that it is in this centry, and suspect that it is in my lifetime.

Personally I am far more worried about what kind of pain will be involved in that change, and what will happen afterwards, than I am in secondary impacts from having that much government involvement.

"good ideas and bad code build communities, the other three combinations do not"
- [link|http://archives.real-time.com/pipermail/cocoon-devel/2000-October/003023.html|Stefano Mazzocchi]
New Recently saw some statistics...
...pulled from an article in an academic missionary journal. It suggested that the ratio of "evangelical" Christians to the rest of the world has been steadily increasing since 33 A.D. I'm going to totally make up numbers now to give you the feel, and try to look up the actual ones later--something like:

A.D. 40 - 1 in so many millions
A.D. 100 - 1 in thousands
A.D. 1000 - 1 in hundreds
A.D. 1800 - 1 in 50
1900 - 1 in 25
1950 - 1 in 15
1970 - 1 in 12
1976 - 1 in 9

I'm most sure about the last figure. Can't speak for methodological details at the moment--I'll try to find the source.
I was one of the original authors of VB, and *I* wouldn't use VB for a text
processing program. :-)
Michael Geary, on comp.lang.python
     Supreme Court allows denial of scholarship for ministry - (JayMehaffey) - (21)
         hmm good ruling on the surface -NT - (boxley) - (19)
             Disagree - (jbrabeck) - (18)
                 I think that you're unclear on the issue - (ben_tilly) - (17)
                     So how is the rule not discriminating against religion? - (Arkadiy) - (16)
                         But it's OK to discriminate against religion! - (a6l6e6x) - (14)
                             The Constitution has been written when - (Arkadiy) - (13)
                                 Not exactly - (ben_tilly) - (5)
                                     Rleigion weaker than before, - (Arkadiy) - (4)
                                         Huh? - (ben_tilly) - (3)
                                             I was referring to a centiry (centuries) back. - (Arkadiy) - (1)
                                                 Interesting point - (ben_tilly)
                                             Recently saw some statistics... - (FuManChu)
                                 Religion weaker? Really? - (hnick) - (6)
                                     I guess you haven't been around long enough to remember - (Arkadiy) - (5)
                                         Guess not... - (hnick) - (3)
                                             Fine, substitute "close down and throw in jail" for "blow up - (Arkadiy) - (2)
                                                 Um, It was illegal at the time. - (hnick) - (1)
                                                     Police used to enforce - (Arkadiy)
                                         When was that time? -NT - (Silverlock)
                         What Alex said - (ben_tilly)
         (Unnecessary post deleted, disregard.) -NT - (CRConrad)

That's not fair! I'm just a transparent rhetorical device!
83 ms