3. (Would you support amending the U.S. Constitution to make it\nillegal for homosexual couples to get married anywhere in the U.S.), or\n(should each state make its own laws on homosexual marriage)? Do you feel\nthat way strongly or somewhat?\n\n \tSupport amend (net)\n Strongly Somewhat\n Each state own (net)\n Strongly Somewhat No opinion\n2/22/04 \t46 \t38 \t8 \t45 \t31 \t15 \t9\n1/18/04 \t38 \tna \tna \t58 \tna \tna \t3
(Sorry about the formatting)
That's a pretty big swing in a month. I think that indicates that, on the amendment question, that people are still deciding what they think.
My hope is that the longer this is debated, the more people will realize that the Consitution isn't the place for this issue to be decided. But it only takes one advocate to swing the debate (look at what the press did with Dean's yell...)
Most still do oppose gay marriage according to the poll.