Re: Are you defining a custom reality again?
Have you ever bought an eBook from Adobe? Clearly this was one aspect of the company in some kind of sideline activity. And the case was prosecuted on behalf of the government, not Adobe:
Could it be that the government ran amok in a stupid misidentification of this issue as one of "furriners stealin' our 'Merkin sawftware"? At some point Adobe may have been told "stay out of it, this is bigger than you".
He was acquitted, and apparently the issue is decided.
Edit: Apparently Adobe wanted to drop the case five days after Skylarov was arrested. The government declined. The villians are where they always are - in charge.
Dmitry Sklyarov was arrested in Las Vegas on July 16, 2001, and charged with trafficking in, and offering to the public, a software program that could circumvent technological protections on copyrighted material, under section 1201(b)(1)(A) of the U.S. Copyright Act, which was made law by the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act (the DMCA). He was also charged with aiding and abetting his employer, Russian software development company, Elcom Ltd (a.k.a. ElcomSoft Co. Ltd), to do that. Dmitry was held in jail until August 6, 2001, when he was released on bail of $50,000, on condition that he remained in Northern California.
After EFF met with Adobe representatives on 20 July, Adobe joined with the EFF in recommending the release of Dmitry from federal custody, and withdrew its support for the criminal complaint against him. [Joint Press Release].
Clearly the government ran amok because they don't understand software or information technology. What else is new?
Edited by
Feb. 20, 2004, 03:12:30 PM EST