Re: You know what you should do?
It's absurd - by expressing my own opinion (which is well founded), everyone here immediately collectivizes like a hive of angry bees, proving my exact point! Rally round the queen! Throw the infidel out! He's got his own opinion! Cast him to the evil Baptists!
But you see, the Baptists are just like you bees - utterly collectivized to the point of being nothing but a collage of other people's ideas.
Are there any MEN left? Where the hell did everyone go? You've made whores and uncaring slatterns of the women, you've ruined the kids with overindulgence and lack of any discipline or expectation, you've destroyed the idea of representative government, you've annihilated marriage, you've made a joke of science, you've erased the entire ethos of scholarship, you've dishonored the dead, you've pissed on, spit on, stomped on, defiled every decent tradition that ever existed, and what do you have to put in its place? A tolerance for buttfucking.
YOU go to the fucking Baptists - merge your Church of Chickenshit Sameness with their Virgin Gangster God.
There is no South, there is no North, there is only the boundless mediocrity of the Land of Craven Weenies.