Why.. some of my best friends are -
Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle..

But seriously (that's hard..) - wouldn't it be an actually good idea for at least One program to be placed on these late-night slots.. much less grandio$e than 700 Club et al:

Refuting the really Bad Shit spewed so often in Jesus' name? Precisely as - everyone running around, currently with equally marginal success - trying to find more than one or two Mullahs who will *unequivocally condemn* the POV of the bin-Ls, and pointing to *just where* in the Kuran:

Their bile is NOT condoned?

(I know I know - in the OT *are* some horrific assertions, inhuman remedies and really Bad Shit.. too. That these are not the source material for most sermons today - doesn't make them disappear.) I hope that a rewrite might prove both possible and done, for the newest millennium. Rewrite is not a dirty word; it's the history from the first and it's OK: we do grow up as a species. OK.. not very quickly..)

