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New Yes: *since* his way-over-the-top excretion. Only.
..and even That mightn't have been remarked by the Good Folks, had its timing not demanded a response.

Are you suggesting that the late-night airwaves are full of *exclusively* That Old Time Religion because:

It isn't important at all, to offer another view of this religion? Airtime just tooo expensive, and detracts from saving souls more effectively some other way? Well, *they* are 'saving' something: every night (on my Tee Vee; I assume so - don't look Every night to check. But every time I do check: yup there they are)

We are all supposed to just assume that you dead-Silent Majority really don't agree with this stuff - your silence er *proves that*. Izzat it?

Isn't that how we got M$ everywhere? And Father Coughlan? And McCarthy? Yeah.. it can't be important what 'people say' under your rubric, can it?

Never mind.

You have one aspect ~ right. Yes, I have concluded that organized-religion is not unlike corporations everywhere, and is mainly a way of inciting tribes against each other - with x000 years of heaped dead burned bodies to show for its 'efficacy'. If Windoze failed That Badly - no one would use it, however low are peoples' standards.
New well, when you put it that way
I guess I have to grudgingly agree with you, to a certain extent. I've never been particularly pleased with the political stance that most "mainstream" denominations take... either it's a right-wing "pass laws to control the world" stance like Fallwell's or it's a "Good Christians shouldn't get involved in politics as a Christian" stance, with very in-between.

A large majority of Christians I know feel that the best thing they can do is to maintain the separation of Church and State by voting as a citizen, not as a "Christian Bloc." So their response to people like Fallwell and Robertson is to roll their eyes and vote for someone other than their pets. To respond as a Christian on a political topic, see, would be doing the same thing that Falwell does, which is part of his damned problem.

My view is that if someone who claims to share my beliefs acts like an asshole, I should call him on it as best I can, and just as publicly as he acts out. (Or she). Still... I don't have too many forums to do that in.

At any rate. I will have to admit your point, to an extent. I hate when you do that. :)
"We are all born originals -- why is it so many of us die copies?"
- Edward Young
New Thanks.. comment wasn't intended ad-hominem in any event.
Why.. some of my best friends are -
Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle..

But seriously (that's hard..) - wouldn't it be an actually good idea for at least One program to be placed on these late-night slots.. much less grandio$e than 700 Club et al:

Refuting the really Bad Shit spewed so often in Jesus' name? Precisely as - everyone running around, currently with equally marginal success - trying to find more than one or two Mullahs who will *unequivocally condemn* the POV of the bin-Ls, and pointing to *just where* in the Kuran:

Their bile is NOT condoned?

(I know I know - in the OT *are* some horrific assertions, inhuman remedies and really Bad Shit.. too. That these are not the source material for most sermons today - doesn't make them disappear.) I hope that a rewrite might prove both possible and done, for the newest millennium. Rewrite is not a dirty word; it's the history from the first and it's OK: we do grow up as a species. OK.. not very quickly..)


New Late night shows?
Those I know about have been bleeding early morning (5:00 or 6:00) shows, never seen anything earlier (except on Sunday, which is a special case anyway.)

But then I don't have cable so maybe you're speaking about some plethora of cable TV shows that I never see.
"Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it."
-- Donald Knuth
New Airwaves: rf signal. No cable.
Channels 38, 42.. others at times. This in SF bay area, that is. Think 65, 64 get in on it too, but I only look sporadically. Dunno what else might be on cable, as some equal-time for weirdness kinda rule?

I see them typ. after 1 AM. Sometimes the guide shows a succession of such, pretty well filling 1-5 AM. There may be many more around country who come on 6ish, as you say.


What I haven't ever seen - is anything reminiscent of a normal 'sermon'. These guys 'explain' in such minute detail exactly [didactically] "what She Means" - you know they didn't read this in the normal locales. It's in their *minds*

Your sig has an eerie verisimilitude to the way these guys say.. "you oughtta live" ;-)
New I remember years ago a guy
I used to like to watch in the desparate hours, forget his name but when he wasnt talkin about pyramids he was discussing his show horses. The one "sermon" I remember best was his reading of a viewers letter.
What do ya do with the money.
None of your dam business, I might have bought a sixpack, gave it to the poor or put a bet on a horse race.
I sent him $20. At least he was honest.
tshirt front "born to die before I get old"
thshirt back "fscked another one didnja?"
New Re: Airwaves: rf signal. No cable.
What I haven't ever seen - is anything reminiscent of a normal 'sermon'. These guys 'explain' in such minute detail exactly [didactically] "what She Means" - you know they didn't read this in the normal locales. It's in their *minds*

Well, that describes the early AM shows I see. :=(
"Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it."
-- Donald Knuth
New There's hardly a thing on the late night airwaves...
that I don't object to.

I don't want to be selective, because that's hypocritical. So I need to denounce it all en masse.

Maybe what I should do is start an angry political movement to end all late night television. No more bad sitcoms from the seventies. No more Godzilla Meets The Giant Guy In The Godzilla Suit. No more made for TV movies on the Sci-Fi channel. No more exercise machine infomercials. Or else!

Will this suffice to establish my credibility?
Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.
New Well.. there's always KCSM-60 in San Mateo CA (Silly V.)
who pretty regularly air, for from 1-4 (!) hours:

MCSEIEIO 'courses' on NT4 or now 5- W2K, etc. Sat. nite late, typically. And the presenter is clearly someone who has studied all videos of The Billy.. and tries pretty hard to *sound just like him*..

Talk about cruel and unusual punishment :[
The voice alone is so noxious a reminder of the Teleban of all things techno-cutesy.

But generally: I'll drink to that sentiment.
(BBC often on NPR however)

But why limit it to just late night? when we're playing \ufffdbercritics..

     sanity, A leading one of theirs, over there disavows Osama - (boxley) - (21)
         Do unto your competitors while they're otherwise occupied. - (Andrew Grygus)
         One beats zero, but - - (Ashton) - (19)
             Don't know your religion Ash, but... - (jb4) - (4)
                 Thought 'mine' was clear. - (Ashton) - (3)
                     Partly- Homo-Sap too? - (Arkadiy) - (2)
                         I can only whistle it.. - (Ashton) - (1)
                             Miserable Cynic - (deSitter)
             Give me a fucking break - (cwbrenn) - (13)
                 Re: Give me a fucking break - (wharris2)
                 My, my. Such language. - (marlowe) - (1)
                     That? Pshaw. - (cwbrenn)
                 Yes: *since* his way-over-the-top excretion. Only. - (Ashton) - (8)
                     well, when you put it that way - (cwbrenn) - (1)
                         Thanks.. comment wasn't intended ad-hominem in any event. - (Ashton)
                     Late night shows? - (wharris2) - (3)
                         Airwaves: rf signal. No cable. - (Ashton) - (2)
                             I remember years ago a guy - (boxley)
                             Re: Airwaves: rf signal. No cable. - (wharris2)
                     There's hardly a thing on the late night airwaves... - (marlowe) - (1)
                         Well.. there's always KCSM-60 in San Mateo CA (Silly V.) - (Ashton)
                 Yes - (deSitter)

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