donkeys fornicating with elephants both wearing US flags, every other panel had the donkey on top interchanged with the elephant. The Governor employed 2 true blue dems all the rest were hard core repo's as himself. Showed the T-shirt to the Dem VP.
He goes lets show bob
Bob is the head of a Major Bank among other things and a true pirate as well as a son of the governor. He laughs like hell and sez "The Old Man ought to see this" they look at each other a little afeered because the gov was an old school gent. didnt like profanity etc. I walked it into his office and displayed it. He laughs gently and said that was really funny while the other 2 wait with bated breathe,
I walked out and they resumed breathing. Of course if his wife had been in the room and I had dared display it I prolly would have been horsewhipped out of the building. Good man the Gov.