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New Not happening
I have no dupes. I always gave them away when
I got them. The last system was bought about
3 years ago, so all the shirts are well worn.

I'd say almost EVERY T-Shirt I wear is a Linux,
Unix, or hardware product. Years of going to
PC-Expo, Unix Expo, etc.

My favorites were the Digital Alpha Cheetah shirts
and the Veritas shirt:

"The Server is down and the boss wants to see you"
{{ Picture of Jason hockey mask }}
"Be afraid. Be very afraid."

That shirt saved my job.

I was at a company picnic. Had been an employee
about 1.5 years. I was at the snack table, standing
next to an owner who I had never met, but I knew
by reputation. Major hard-ass, fire people in a blink.

He was the #2 owner, and in charge of mainframe
technology, which means my very existance annoyed him
since he considered anything I bought a duplicate of
something he already spent money on.

Me (to the food person): Ooooh oooooh. Cotton Candy!
I love cotton candy, Gimme some!!

Him: What have so done do DESERVE cotton candy?!

Me (note, obviously my anticipated sugar rush destroyed
my ability to think) : Put up with your company!

I had just wandered into the "you are about to get your
ass fired zone".

He did a doubletake. NOBODY speaks to him like that.
Especially not some expensive yet low end geek. He stared
at me and noticed my T-shirt, and read it out loud.

"The Server is down and the boss wants to see you"
{{ Picture of Jason hockey mask }}
"Be afraid. Be very afraid."

And then looked back at my face. I said something along
the lines that the systems were not ALLOWED to go down
and I lived by the T-shirts philosophy.

He smiled (a strange and dangerous smile) and let me
have my cotton candy.
Collapse Edited by broomberg Feb. 16, 2004, 08:05:48 PM EST
Not happening
I have no dupes. I always gave them away when
I got them. The last system was bought about
3 years ago, so all the shirts are well worn.

I'd say almost EVERY T-Shirt I wear is a Linux,
Unix, or hardware product. Years of going to
PC-Expo, Unix Expo, etc.

My favorites where the Digital Alpha Cheetah shirts
and the Veritas shirt:

"The Server is down and the boss wants to see you"
{{ Picture of Jason hockey mask }}
"Be afraid. Be very afraid."

That shirt saved my job.

I was at a company picnic. Had been an employee
about 1.5 years. I was at the snack table, standing
next to an owner who I had never met, but I knew
by reputation. Major hard-ass, fire people in a blink.

He was the #2 owner, and in charge of mainframe
technology, which means my very existance annoyed him
since he considered anything I bought a duplicate of
something he already spent money on.

Me (to the food person): Ooooh oooooh. Cotton Candy!
I love cotton candy, Gimme some!!

Him: What have so done do DESERVE cotton candy?!

Me (note, obviously my anticipated sugar rush destroyed
my ability to think) : Put up with your company!

I had just wandered into the "you are about to get your
ass fired zone".

He did a doubletake. NOBODY speaks to him like that.
Especially not some expensive yet low end geek. He stared
at me and noticed my T-shirt, and read it out loud.

"The Server is down and the boss wants to see you"
{{ Picture of Jason hockey mask }}
"Be afraid. Be very afraid."

And then looked back at my face. I said something along
the lines that the systems were not ALLOWED to go down
and I lived by the T-shirts philosophy.

He smiled (a strange and dangerous smile) and let me
have my cotton candy.
New Ah the sublime joy of escaping
after Twisting the Dragon's Tail *

this of course leads to -
Know what that refers to?

..and name of the person who {unlike your unworthy Self}
didn't get away with it?

OK, it's before your time but, we are still living with the results. And jargon.
Like puzzles, right?
New Clueless. Sorry.
New Manhattan
Project: small blocks of enriched U gently prodded about with screwdrivers, to measure neutron cross-sections; "twisting the Dragon's tail".

(One Louis Slotin slipped; before dying, calculated the likely dose given those around the 'assembly'. He knew his was fatal; air turned blue from ionization.)

Oh well.
New reminds me of a t-shirt a friend gave me once
donkeys fornicating with elephants both wearing US flags, every other panel had the donkey on top interchanged with the elephant. The Governor employed 2 true blue dems all the rest were hard core repo's as himself. Showed the T-shirt to the Dem VP.
He goes lets show bob
Bob is the head of a Major Bank among other things and a true pirate as well as a son of the governor. He laughs like hell and sez "The Old Man ought to see this" they look at each other a little afeered because the gov was an old school gent. didnt like profanity etc. I walked it into his office and displayed it. He laughs gently and said that was really funny while the other 2 wait with bated breathe,
I walked out and they resumed breathing. Of course if his wife had been in the room and I had dared display it I prolly would have been horsewhipped out of the building. Good man the Gov.
The only thing worse than watching granny porn is starring in granny porn
questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]
     LRPD: '"Your server tonight will be: Jim." DAMMIT! '. ??? -NT - (rickw) - (29)
         I take that as a reference to an ad - (ben_tilly) - (28)
             Re: I take that as a reference to an ad - (rickw) - (4)
                 "This town"? - (inthane-chan) - (3)
                     Re: "This town"? - (rickw) - (2)
                         A-yup. - (inthane-chan) - (1)
                             Re: A-yup. - (rickw)
             I have that T-Shirt - (broomberg) - (6)
                 Miser. - (Ashton) - (5)
                     Not happening - (broomberg) - (4)
                         Ah the sublime joy of escaping - (Ashton) - (2)
                             Clueless. Sorry. -NT - (broomberg) - (1)
                                 Manhattan - (Ashton)
                         reminds me of a t-shirt a friend gave me once - (boxley)
             Nope. -NT - (admin) - (15)
                 20 questions perhaps? Is it a movie reference? -NT - (rickw) - (14)
                     Nope! -NT - (folkert) - (13)
                         19 questions? Sounds like a ST reference... -NT - (Another Scott) - (8)
                             Re: 19 questions? Sounds like a ST reference... - (rickw) - (7)
                                 Slightly!?!?! -NT - (Another Scott) - (6)
                                     Nope! One HInt. - (folkert) - (5)
                                         Incident at a Beep party? - (ben_tilly) - (3)
                                             Nope. - (folkert) - (2)
                                                 Well, since nobody's getting it ... - (drewk) - (1)
                                                     huh, I thought it was a shatner ref of some kind. -NT - (boxley)
                                         Ah...Bowing out now. -NT - (rickw)
                         TV ref? -NT - (rickw) - (3)
                             Nosir. -NT - (folkert) - (2)
                                 But it involved me - (drewk) - (1)
                                     Yes, I was gonna add you too... - (folkert)

And to the tune of a billion dollars I supplied to the DOE some tasty little nuggets of alien technology... and as one might expect I've been HARASSED for YEARS!
107 ms