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New Er....
you don't seriously mean to suggest a moral equivalence here, do you?

Or are you one of those people who see a woman as nothing more than a pair of tits? No wait. Then you could only sanction assisted suicide when done to females.

Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.
New I think you know better.
He's talking about the form of the argument.

The anti-assisted-suicide argument is a poor one as presented. And the site you linked originally doesn't seem to (, to me anyway, ) support your contention that there's a "death culture and pressure to suicide".

New Argument? What argument?
I didn't present any argument. I pointed to the existence of the slippery slope. Look, there it is.

You're acting like a small child who won't admit the milk has been spilled. "Look at all the spilled milk on the floor!" I say. "That's a weak argument" you say.
Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.
New You're pointing to invisible pink unicorns.
For someone who prides himself on looking at evidence and probabilities and shades of gray, you don't seem to be doing that in this case.

You've presented slanted, anecdotal discussions of topics which many regard as highly inflammatory. The cites list 3rd-person interpretations of people's frame of mind. That's supposed to be evidence? Unattributed quotes presented with no context is supposed to be evidence? Unattributed paraphrases are supposed to be evidence?

One can point to anecdotal evidence on almost any topic in an attempt to support almost any proposition. That doesn't mean that the proposition is logically supportable.

You've not presented evidence of a "slippery slope", nor of a "death culture and pressure to suicide" IMO. If you have evidence, or a logical discussion on the topic in your own words, I'd like to see it. Your cites don't seem to me to relate to the things you discussed in the starting post in this thread.

Your trolling isn't working to well in this case, if that's your intent. I'm disappointed that you seemingly can't support your position better.

New Careful there.
The trouble with cheap dismissals like that is they work both ways.

I see your pink unicorn and raise you one willful refusal to understand.

Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.
New Re: You're pointing to invisible pink unicorns.
One can point to anecdotal evidence on almost any topic in an attempt to support almost any proposition. That doesn't mean that the proposition is logically supportable.

Which is, of course, what I was trying to do. (And thank you, Scott, for recognizing it. For at least one person here, reading is a skill that has been mastered.)
(Resistance is not futile...)
New Puh-LEEZE!
(Resistance is not futile...)
     Help me, I've been politicized! - (marlowe) - (20)
         Well... - (bepatient)
         Enlightenment comes from within. :-) - (Another Scott) - (16)
             Death culture and the pressure to suicide - (marlowe) - (15)
                 Thanks. - (Another Scott)
                 I don't see the connection.... - (Another Scott) - (13)
                     Thanks. Saved trouble - I go with your rebuttal too. -NT - (Ashton)
                     You're missing the point by a mile - (marlowe)
                     How the slippery slope works - (marlowe) - (9)
                         OK, let's talk about a slippery slope - (jb4) - (7)
                             Er.... - (marlowe) - (6)
                                 I think you know better. - (Another Scott) - (4)
                                     Argument? What argument? - (marlowe) - (3)
                                         You're pointing to invisible pink unicorns. - (Another Scott) - (2)
                                             Careful there. - (marlowe)
                                             Re: You're pointing to invisible pink unicorns. - (jb4)
                                 Puh-LEEZE! -NT - (jb4)
                         Definitely an interesting article. - (Simon_Jester)
                     The joy of assisted suicide - (marlowe)
         Irish blood will out. - (boxley)
         Too Serious - (deSitter)

Yo yo yo yo yo y-y-y-y-yo.
135 ms