Japanese, animated, but most definitely not anime. Directed by the same guy who brought us Perfect Blue and Millenium Actress. (Neither of which I have seen, but now I want to see both of them...)
The film sounds like the start of a bad joke - a drunk, a drag queen, and a runaway teenage girl (all homeless) find an abandoned baby, and go on a somewhat quixotic quest to return the baby to the mother who abandoned it. In the process of attempting to return the baby, they each come to certain realizations about their own homelessness, the causes, etc.
It's a good film that doesn't sugarcoat the downsides (hunger, getting the crap beaten out of you by thugs, etc.) of being homeless. The film also does not suffer from being predictable, and only brazenly sells out with one miraculous moment, which doesn't feel too far out of place in the story.
Thane sez: If you like seeing subtitled films, and you like a bit of schmaltz, go see it.