[link|http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/4/22354.html|Their DRM just hacked]

then too:

[link|http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/55/22332.html|Security isn't our fault]

In an essay, Scott Culp, manager of the
Microsoft Security Response Center, said that
the full disclosure approach to issues taken by the security community does a disservice to end users, and has called for a rethink.

"It's high time the security community
stopped providing blueprints for building
these weapons", such as Code Red, Nimda or
the Ramen worm, Culp writes. "And it's high
time computer users insisted that the security community live up to its obligation to protect them."
Then it seems that the Euro folk are dragging heels in emulating Luther and stapling some demands to the Ballmer forehead.

Given the complexity of their operations (now), including the imminent XP box of atrocities, their missing the earnings/share magic point.. the sheer magnitude of intertwined *stuff* [add-in 9/11 and guesstimated effects on DOJ + Euro]:

Does this suggest that, no court or legislative body could possibly imagine now, how to curtail this monster? ie has M$ succeeded in creating sufficiently chaotic a collection of present 'issues' that: no one can craft a plan which can reasonably be expected to alter their behavior?

To me it looks as if they may have delayed and counter-filed enough times to cross over far enough into new administration DOJ folk that: the prospect of 'hurting the economy further' + 9/11 preoccupation might tip the scale to simple inaction.

Will the only action be: simply some sort of massive boycott of their new pricing / rental plan, on the bizness side and.. a mere hope, that XP sales really bomb?

(That is, its merely being a POS isn't enough; wasn't in the past. Anybody say a word about Win-MErde? That it wants to call-home often - seems not to bother home sheep users - or does it?)

{sigh} It doesn't feel right 'out there'... too few who comprehend the intricacy of their infections everywhere, and the consequences of their future control.
